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"Where am I," I ask and look around. "Hello, Jacob." I turn to see the secretary. "You passed out," she says. "To answer your question, you're in my office." "Did you-" "No, dear. I didn't call your parents, thanks to your two friends here that is," the secretary says and I notice Louis and Ethan in the room. "Thank you a lot guys," I say and smile, as tears begin to fall from my eyes.

"The principal will be coming in soon to ask why you would request such as thing." "Okay...," I say. "Thank you too Mrs." The secretary smiles at me and leaves the room, probably to get the principal. The two walk over to me and sit down, "I'm glad we were able to convince her," Ethan said. "Yes," Louis agreed. "Me too. Now you'll have a chance to get away from this!" "A-away," I ask and back further away. "No. No... you can't do that! He'll be mad- He'll hurt mom and me even more." "He can't do that once he's in jail," Ethan says, trying to calm me down. "O-once he gets out I'm done-" The door opens and the principal walks in. "I can't," I say and Louis holds one of my hands. "Yes you can," he says. "She is trying to help you."

"Would you like them to stay here as well," the principal asked. "Yes please." The principal then closed the door and sat down in the chair. She is holding some sort of black box, probably a recorder, and a clipboard, along with her usual blackpoint pen. "Now may I ask why you request that I don't call your parents?" I squeeze Louis' hand tighter, "Dad-" "What about your father Jacob? Has he done something to you?" I nod my head, "Beats me and mom...," I mumble. "Do you know why he might be doing this, or any specific details?" "Drinking... He comes home from drinking and beats me and mom. He uses his fists, feet and sometimes hits us with these bottles too." 

"Thank you for telling me," the principal said and got up from her chair, "Wait here okay? Stay strong for me and your friends and family too, we'll take care of this." The principal then left the room.

"I really hope she can take care of it... it won't be good if dad finds out..."

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