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"...I can't do that."

"WHyyyyYYyy? Is iT BeCauSe I'M UglYyy? Am I UglyyYY?" "Jacob, you aren't ugly at all," Louis says with a disappointed smile. "TheN WhY?" "You're drunk Jacob. I can't accept that until you ask me in your right state."

"So LaTeR YoU CaN TeLl mE I'M pRettYYYyy," I ask and lay my head on his shoulder. "Yes Jacob, later I can tell you you're pretty."

"I'm tiReD...," I say and fall asleep on his shoulder.




"He fell asleep," Jacob's sister asks me. "Yeah, Jacob just fell asleep. He seemed really tired and then he just kind of passed out." Brianna puts a bag in the backseat and Matt starts the car.

We arrive at Jacob's house and he stirs back awake...




"What happened? My head hurts...," I say and look at Louis. "You drank a drink with alcohol without knowing and you got drunk," Louis said and set me down on my bed. "You..." "Oh God, I did something embarrassing, didn't I? I am so God damn stupid."

"I wouldn't say this was stupid, honestly I was happy about it." "Please, just, tell me what I did."

Louis pauses, "You asked me to be your boyfriend," he says, oh-so casually. "WHAT," I say and fall off the bed. "You also wanted me to tell you how pretty you were." "What did you say?" 

"Oh! I said I wouldn't accept it until you told me in your normal state. Oh and that'd I'd tell you how pretty you were later." I blush madly. "So...," I say.

"Will you be my boyfriend then?"

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