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I changed my flight.

Fortunately it had never been going to my actual destination
but I learned that my name had triggered someone to leak the information, making it unsafe
for me to go there.

I rented a private jet instead.

It had the added benefit of allowing me as much luggage
as I wanted so I packed heavily.

With no specific return trip scheduled, I brought a lot of clothes.

I'd rented a furnished home in LA, planning to buy when I had time to look for a place so it
was just a matter of ending
my lease early for a hefty fee and taking my stuff with me.

Rents in LA, especially my area were too high to pay if you weren't going to be home.

In the end, I was glad about
the jet because it was able to land at a small airport much closer to my destination.

And the nice people at the rental agency were able to have a
car arranged for me as well.

Used to dealing with celebrities, they had everything set
up on the down-low.

I left the City of Angels just before dawn, on one of those rare perfectly clear days, giving me one last view of the
glittering lights of Hollywood
and all the rest of the basin.

It felt like a dream already and
I wondered if I'd go back.

I didn't have enough money never to work again, so I'd
either need to take a role
before everyone forgot who
I was or I'd have to do something else eventually.

But for now, I settled back in
my seat and watched the
country roll by underneath me.

As we traveled, the lights
winked out in the cities and towns we passed.

The sunlight brightened and
I fell fast asleep.

"Sir?" The pilot shook my shoulder.

"Sir, we've arrived."

"It's time to climb down
the air stairs, Your car is
parked right outside."

I stretched and yawned.

"Oh, that was fast."

"What a smooth flight."

The older man in the captain's uniform grinned at me.

"We hit some serious turbulence a couple of hours ago but you were out like a light."

"You must have been tired."

I yawned again.

"I guess so but either way, I didn't feel a thing, I give you all the credit for excellent flying."

He gave a little bow of his head.

"Glad to be of service."

I stood up and looked around.

"I'd better get my bags loaded
in the car so you can take off."

Again he gave that peculiar bow.

"Already done." He held out a fob.

"For your car, We're glad you
had a pleasant flight and we hope you'll book us again in
the future."

"Next time I need a private
jet, you can be sure I will."

Other than aircraft booked by
the movies I worked on, I'd never even been in one before but I thanked him and headed over to the car, ready to go home.

✨THE ONE WHO GOT AWAY ✨|| JIKOOK ✅Where stories live. Discover now