13. (M) 🔞

871 73 5


You have always been mine, Jimin and I have always
been yours.

And what else could I do after that but welcome him in.

Nobody kissed like my alpha.

Not here, not in Hollywood, probably nowhere on earth.

He had a way of bringing our
lips together like a force of nature that completely blew away any self-control I had.

I'd avoided him for his own
good while the paparazzi waited outside, not as many as before
but there was always someone.

"I'd offer you food but I'm running out of anything
good to eat."

He arched a brow.


"The grocery delivery kid tried
to bring my order but they terrified him." I led Jungkook
into the living room.

"Lucky we have cookies."

"I can think of other things
I'd like to put in my mouth."

He lifted my hand to his mouth and brushed his lips over the back, sending goose bumps chasing over my skin.

"But we can have cookies if
that's what you'd like."

My steps had slowed near the couch but I veered us around
it and toward the short hallway leading to the bedroom.

"Cookies can wait."

I'd never forgive the paparazzi for interrupting us before but nothing was stopping us now.

I was going to make love with my alpha even if they burst through the front door and surrounded the bed, taking video.

I could always sue them later maybe have them arrested.

The idea pleased me but not nearly as much as the warm presence of the man who caressed my palm with his
thumb and we entered the bedroom and stopped just inside.

He turned me to face him, bringing his hand up to my cheek.

"It's been far too long,

I swallowed over the lump
in my throat at how long it
had been.

"So long."

My vision blurred with tears
that I let fall, feeling no shame
in showing him my feelings.

"I don't know why I stayed away."

The corners of his lips tipped
up in a soft grin.

"I think you did what you
needed to, We both did."

"Our goals at that point had to be accomplished separately."

"Even if you hadn't left, I
would have."

"College was calling."


My cheeks were wet, my shirt catching the droplets and soaking them up.

I couldn't come up with a
good way to express the
longing I'd felt late at night,
my attempts to be happy for
the life I thought he probably had with someone else.

What I thought was strength
in not calling him but now saw
as foolish pride or something similar.


"Unless you know someone
with a time machine, we can't
go back and change any of
our decisions that got us to
this point."

"But since we have arrived at
it and we're standing in your bedroom about to be naked
and sweaty, we must have
done something right."

✨THE ONE WHO GOT AWAY ✨|| JIKOOK ✅Where stories live. Discover now