Part 12

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Chapter 11

It was around a day after Alexi's get-together that all hell broke loose. The day started like any other, with Astrid and Hiccup preparing breakfast. Zephyr was playing with a pack of crayons and paper in the living room while Nuffink was fast asleep in the crib Hiccup had placed downstairs. They had a little TV in the kitchen area and Astrid was watching the news while sipping some coffee. "In other news, IBM announces that it will sell its PC hardware business to Lenovo, a Chinese computer company..."

"Huh, interesting," Astrid commented on that tidbit.

Hiccup who was just flipping a flapjack hummed in agreement. Astrid was nearly done with her mug of coffee when her mobile began to ring. She quickly reached for it as her La Cucaracha ringtone was quite loud and could wake the baby.

"Hell-" She was cut off by a very frantic voice on the other end before she could even finish her greeting.

"AstridohmyThorohmyThorohmyThorIamsoooosorry!" Was uttered through the speaker and Astrid had to blink before realizing that it was her sister's voice.

"Alexi... take a deep breath!" She replied. "In and out... in and out.... I'm sure whatever it is, isn't so bad."

"Mom knows and she's on a warpath!" Alexi frantically told Astrid. "She doesn't only know about me and Russel but she was screeching about how you hid the fact that you had kids from her!"

"How did she even...."

It's the Facebook thing. I AM SO SORRY!" Alexi sounded nearly in tears. "Apparently mom heard all this from one of the neighbours whose daughter I'm still friends with. I should never have posted that picture!"

"Oh Thor, she's flipped her lid, Astrid! Like seriously. She called me at six AM to berate me on how she had to hear congratulations on her daughter's upcoming nuptials from her nosey neighbours. It's probably going to be so much worse when she finds out I'm not marrying my soulmate! Russel had me hang up on her as I was nearly in tears but she also knows about the kids and she was ranting about how you dared to have children with someone other than Eret."

"Alexi, you're having an anxiety attack. Try to get your breathing under control." Astrid told her as concern laced her voice.

"I'm fine sis... I'm fine..." Astrid doubted this, however. "It's just... I think she may do something drastic now that she knows. She doesn't know my current address but she knows yours. Oh Thor... I never thought she'd find out like this. She was always saying how this new Facebook thing was just a fad that would die down."

"I need to call dad. Maybe he can help calm her down."

"I don't think bringing dad into the mix will help much. They're finally living separately and that's only because mother is obstinate about getting a divorce." Astrid muttered. "He's dealt with her craziness for years. I don't want to have to drag him back into it because we can't handle this problem."

"Maybe I should have just taken your approach and gone low contact with her." Alexi groaned. "This became such a mess!"

"I'll handle things on my end," Astrid mentioned. "Thanks for letting me know. I'll tell the doorman and building security to not let her in if she comes around."

"And stop blaming yourself over this," Astrid added. "Mom would have at some point found out about everything either way and would have probably acted the same. You know how fanatical she is,"

Once the call ended Astrid turned to Hiccup who gave her a hug and said "I heard some of the conversation. I get the gist. Want me to take Zephyr to preschool while you talk to security?"

"It's fine, I can take her. It's on my way to work anyways." Astrid stated. "You have that big meeting this Friday?"

"Just because I have a big meeting doesn't mean I won't make time for us," Hiccup said as he slipped his arm around her waist and pulled Astrid close.

"Hiccup I have work!" She muttered while swatting his shoulder. "We can do fun things AFTER work,"

"Oh milady you hurt me so," Hiccup dramatically exclaimed.

"EW!" A tiny voice suddenly uttered and the pair looked down to see Zephyr watching them. "Mama and Dada ew!"

"Well aren't you a little spy," Astrid joked and scooped up her daughter. "Why don't we head off to school little lady," She added to which Zephyr only uttered "Bleh!"


"I know I know milady. You don't have to worry. I know how to heat up the formula for Nuff." Hiccup assured her. "And if I get stuck with anything I can call you or mom. Thor knows she'd be on a jet over here if it's about her grandbabies."

"Hiccup, your parents are touring Egypt right now. I doubt that they.... Wait... you know what... I wouldn't put it past them to come jetting back home if it's about the kids." Astrid realised.

"Anyways, it's a godsend that you can work from home to watch Nuffink. I'll be back around six. Do you want me to pick up anything from the supermarket? I can cook dinner tonight."

"NO!... I mean... no. You don't have to worry about dinner. I got that covered." Hiccup quickly interjected. "How about I make us some steak?"

"Hiccup you've been cooking dinner a lot these weeks. Are you sure you don't want me to..."

"I can cook!" Hiccup announced. "Don't worry. I love to cook and you're swamped with the kids when you return from work. The least I can do is make the food." Hiccup nervously uttered.

"Fine, but I'm handling the laundry this weekend." She stated in her 'you better not argue' voice. Hiccup was just glad that the meat wouldn't be rubbery again.

Astrid merrily went on her way with Zephyr in her arms to the carpark underneath the building. There were a lot of fancy cars parked in that area, mostly from residents or their occasional guests. The area around Haddock Tower had become quite the rich neighbourhood and the Tower had become 'THE' place to live, mainly because of its tight security and adherence to privacy. The close distance to country clubs and the marina were also a factor as the amount of Yachts had increased over the years. To that effect, Astrid's 2002 Hyundai Santro stood out like a sore thumb parked between a Porche and Lexus.

"Time to get you all strapped in," Astrid told her daughter as she worked the buckles of the car seat while Zephyr tried to tug a strand of her hair.

"No... we talked about this. No tugging mommy's hair when she has to go to work," Astrid reprimanded though that did little to deter the toddler. "You're going to be a handful when you grow up later aren't you?" She then muttered.

The drive to the preschool went smoothly and then she was off to work. Astrid made good time and got to the dental practice a good 17 minutes before her shift started.

"Hello everyone!" She greeted once she entered the back office. Astrid had, in the years she's been with the Practice, moved up from being an Entry-Level Hygienist to being put in a managerial position. Her two colleagues greeted her back happily.

Unbeknownst to Astrid the Universe seemed to be working against her. She hadn't noticed the angry eyes watching her enter the office from across the street and neither did she know that the Outcast Medium Security Prison would soon have one inmate less.


AN: I'M BACK!!! I needed to take a small break from writing so as not to get burned out but now I'm back and raring to go!! Some of you might have wondered if the last chapter of this story was the epilogue... no siree... We are chugging forward. Consider it the intro to SEASON 2!!! (giggles evilly)

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