Part 21

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"Oh Thor, Oh Thor, Oh Thor.... Astrid hand me some more wine please!" Alexi uttered as she and her sister were on the way to the courthouse in the rented limo.

"I'm cutting you off," Astrid instead stated. "As your Maid of Honor, I can't have you stumbling on the courthouse steps and breaking your neck."

"I can't believe I'm finally doing it..." She let out a chuckle. "Me getting married,"

"Russel is going to have his hands full with you," Astrid smirked which earned her an elbow jab.

"You know... I think I just have this fear that something is going to screw up everything today," Alexi groaned. "I know mom's funeral was a few weeks ago and it felt like I should have postponed this event... but we'd already paid for the marriage license and it has an expiration date... and... and... could you imagine the stink-eye I would have gotten from extended family if they knew I was getting married so soon after and not even to my soulmate?!" Alexi looked at Astrid who just scoffed.

"Alexi you should stop worrying what other family members think." Astrid deadpanned. "You should just do what makes you happy. I got a lot of flack for leaving Eret and testifying at his trial. Mom, when she couldn't change my mind, enlisted her older brothers' to try and 'talk' some sense into me. It's one of the reasons I went no contact with her and that side of the family." Astrid just shook her head to clear any negative thoughts before looking at her sister, who if anyone asked her, looked gorgeous in a beige knee-length Carolina dress. "You should have seen their faces when I left the courtroom that day, giving them the bird as I slipped into the sleek town car Hiccup had arranged to pick me up."

"But it's not just the family is it?" Astrid surmised. "These aren't normal pre-wedding jitters."

"I just... Last night I had a nightmare," Alexi confessed. "I was walking down the aisle with dad... Russel was standing next to the judge and then suddenly the doors bursted open and in comes some random guy to yank me out of the room claiming he was my soulmate,"

"I jolted awake and couldn't go back to sleep sis," She muttered. "I didn't want to marry some random guy... I realized last night that I really want to marry Russel and the idea that my soulmate could appear at any time..."

"Just kick him in the nuts," Astrid stated, crossing her arms and lifting a brow, which caused Alexi to actually choke and then wheeze from laughter.

"Sis... you are... AHAHHA.. Very violent," the bride-to-be giggled.

"I'm just saying, it's a good solution." Astrid shrugged.

"I'll keep that in mind," Alexi replied as the limo stopped in front of the courthouse and the driver got out to open the door for them.

Hiccup and Russel along with the wedding photographer were waiting near the steps. Astrid noted that Russel nearly tripped upon seeing Alexi exit the vehicle.

"You look amazing," Russel uttered as he looked at his future wife. Alexi blushed and tried to hide her face behind the bouquet Astrid handed over to her.

Astrid, who then joined Hiccup as the photographer got some pictures of the happy couple on the steps of the courthouse, whispered to her partner that those two would be quite alright in the future to which Hiccup nodded in agreement.

Alexi let out a gasp upon seeing their father approach. After the funeral no one was quite sure if Mr. Hofferson would make it to the wedding. Even if his wife had done some questionable things he had still been mourning her.

"Astrid! Hiccup! Come on!" Alexi called out. "The photographer wants us all together for a picture!"

"Best not keep the bride waiting Mi'lady," Hiccup chirped. Astrid smiled as they walked arm in arm to stand next to the soon-to-be-married couple.

"Everyone say Gorgonzola!" The photographer said loudly. The first picture that he took ended up with Astrid giving her sister a weird look, Alexi, doubling over, laughing at her sister's expression, Hiccup and Russel trying desperately to keep a straight face and their father just looking exasperated at his daughters.

The End

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