01. Tell It To The Frogs

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It's been 57 days since the outbreak began and about a month and a half since the first publicly reported case of the infection spreading and the dead coming back to eat people.

If there was ever a time that Mkay Winchester was grateful for her fathers training and all the hunting of monsters her family did, it was now.

She had various hunting supplies and weapons that she kept on her at all times.

Attached to her person was a hunting knife, a katana, an angel blade, a Colt and a recurve hunting bow along with the switch blade that was kept in her bra.

She was able to stock up on canned and non perishable food and clothes for herself and her daughter.

Mkay and her daughter, Aviana, were originally travelling to visit Connie and Dominic, friends of Mkay, however as Chuck would have it, they got stuck in some little Georgia town not far from Atlanta when the dead started to invade.

The military just opened fire on anyone and everyone after they lost control and could no longer contain the infected.

Mkay wiped walker guts off the blade of her katana as she slipped out the back door of a building on the outskirts of Atlanta where she had gone for supplies.

Loading everything into the back of the car where her 8 year old daughter was waiting for her she closed the hood, filled the car with the gas she was able to find and was about to get in to head out of the city when she heard someone yelling.

"Help me. Don't leave me here." A male voice said from somewhere in the distance

She heard the sound of screeching tires and an alarm before there was silence again.

"Mommy, what was that?" Aviana asked in alarm

"Not sure baby." Mkay told her

"Nooo. Come back. Help." The voice shouted again

She could just leave him. She thought but shook her head, that wasn't the family motto.

Sighing and slamming her car door shut, she shouldered her katana and double checked to make sure she had all her weapons. She started making her way toward the yelling, Aviana trailing along behind her carefully.

It took them about half an hour, dodging walkers, to find the building where the screams were coming from. Mkay then realized the person was on the roof so she let Aviana go first and they climbed up the fire escape.

When she got to the top, she saw a man handcuffed to the building yelling for help. She observed him for a moment, keeping her daughter behind her the whole time.

The man was older, with short buzzed hair. He was dressed like a mix between a biker and a redneck and was talking to himself.

"Must be high." She mumbled to herself

"Is he ok?" Aviana whispered and Mkay shrugged, not knowing

Mkay moved so she was closer to the man and nudged him with her foot, "You alive, buddy?" She questioned

"You there, Blondie, come help me." He demanded and Mkay raised her brow at him and put her hands on her hips not moving

"Please." He grumbled when he saw she wasn't moving

"You got a name first?" she asked him as she moved closer to him and removed her bag off her shoulder

Merle was able to get a better look at her then and he finally saw the child with her.

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