04. Wildfire part 2

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Once Carol, Sophia, Mkay, Aviana and Daryl were back at camp, they separated. Carol and Sophia went to their tent to get their go bags ready while Daryl and the two Winchesters went back to Mkay's Jeep.

"You gon' go with us?" Daryl asked

Mkay sighed, "I already told the group what I thought. Fort Benning is probably overrun by now and the C. D. C. probably is abandoned." She told him

"Be better if ya stayed." The redneck quietly admitted, "Two of ya can look after yaselves. Can help me hunt."

"How come everyone can't learn to hunt?" Aviana asked, looking up at her mother and Daryl confused

"It's not that they can't but they probably don't want to learn." Mkay told her daughter

Aviana furrowed her eyebrows, "Why not?" She asked

"Lazy." Daryl replied

The Winchester woman bent down to her daughter's height and hugged her tightly, "Don't let your guard down around these people, especially Shane and Lori." She muttered

The Winchester child nodded, "Promise."

The Dixon man looked at them as Mkay stood back up but decided not to comment on whatever she told her daughter.

Soon, Shane and Rick came into the middle of the clearing and Shane cleared his throat. The survivors in the group took that as their cue to gather around the two cops. Mkay and Daryl were standing next to each other with Aviana leaning against her mother.

"Everybody listen up." Shane called out, "Those of you with C.B.s, we're gonna be on channel 40. Let's keep the chatter down, okay? Now you got a problem, don't have a C.B., can't get a signal or anything at all, you're gonna hit your horn one time. That'll stop the caravan. Any questions?"

Morales cleared his throat, "We're, uh... We're... we're not going." He announced

"We have family in Birmingham. We want to be with our people." His wife continued

"Dumbasses." Daryl muttered to Mkay

Mkay understood better than anybody wanting to be with your family. However, Morales was the only defender and hunter of his family. It would be better for his family if he stayed with the group, "Yes and no. I get wanting to find your family." She replied

Aviana looked up at her mother, "Are we leaving to find Uncle Dean and Uncle Cas then?"

Daryl furrowed his eyebrows at the new name, "Thought your brothers were Dean and Sam."

The dirty blonde woman nodded, "They are. Cas is Dean's future boyfriend and I'm pretty sure Sam is dead." She then looked at her daughter, "I'm not sure I know where to start looking for them, monkey."

Aviana didn't get a chance to respond as Shane started talking to Morales. The cop looked at the family in disbelief, "You go on your own, you won't have anyone to watch your back." He told them

Morales nodded, "We'll take the chance. I got to do what's best for my family."

"You sure?" Rick asked

The Hispanic man looked at his wife and nodded again, "We talked about it. We're sure."

Rick made a motion with his head, "All right." He conceded, "Shane."

Shane sighed, "Yeah, all right." He said as he moved to grab extra ammo. Once Rick confirmed the type of ammo, he handed Morales a gun and Shane handed him ammo.

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