02. The Vatos

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The group then moved inside and downstairs. Everyone gathered between a few office desks, trying to come up with a plan to get the guns without bringing any attention to themselves or getting anybody hurt.

Glenn was the one who came up with the solution. And whilst it's a good plan, no-one was a fan of who goes where and who goes to get the bag. Which incidentally, turned out to be Glenn himself.

"You're not going alone." Rick stated as he stood there with his hands on his hips

Merle and Daryl leaned on the desk behind them.

Mkay and Aviana stood leaning on the desk across from the Dixon brothers.

"Even I think it's a bad idea and I don't even like you much." Daryl commented

"Why're we listenin' to him, anyhow?" Merle asked

Most of the room glared at oldest hick.

"You're free to leave, Merle." Mkay told him

Merle shifted his eyes to look at his savior and nodded, "Saw a pharmacy as we came in. Gon' check it out. Meet you at the van." He told his brother

Before Daryl could protest, Merle left the building. Daryl glared at Mkay, "Why save 'im jus' to make 'im leave?" He asked angrily

Mkay rolled her eyes, "Merle was high when I found him yesterday. That's why he went to the pharmacy, to see what he go score for his next high. Despite him being a racist prick, I saved him because he was trapped like the animal he probably is."

Daryl pushed himself off of the desk and took a step towards Mkay.

She scoffed, "Ooh, I'm so scared." Mkay said sarcastically, "You going to shoot me a second time, big man?" She asked

Rick stepped in between the Winchesters and Daryl, "I'll go with you. You need someone to cover your back." He told Glenn

Glenn quickly shook his head in disagreement, "No. Look, it's a good idea, okay, if you'd just hear me out. If we go out there in a group, we're slow, drawing attention. If I'm alone, I can move fast." He said as he drew a map of the street on the ground and marked the tank and the bag of guns, "Look. That's the tank, five blocks from where we are now. That's the bag of guns. Here's the alley I dragged you into when we first met. That's where Daryl, Mkay and I will go."

"Why us?" Daryl asked

"Your bows are quieter than his gun. While Daryl and Mkay wait here in the alley, I run up the street and grab the bag." Glenn said

"You got us elsewhere?" Rick asked, gesturing between himself and T-Dog

Glenn nodded, "You'll be in this alley here." He said as he pointed to an alley further away from the other one

Mkay frowned, "Two blocks away? In case, the path is blocked by walkers, right? She asked

Again, Glenn nodded, "I may not be able to come back the same way. Walkers might cut me off. If that happens, I won't go back to you and Daryl. I'll go forward instead, all the way around to that alley where the other guys are. Whichever direction I go, I got you in both places to cover me. Afterwards, we'll all meet back here." He explained

"Hey, kid, what'd you do before all this?" Daryl asked, a slightly impressed tone to his voice, though his face showed nothing

Glenn looked up at the born and raised southern boy, "Delivered pizza's. Why?" He asked

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