03. Wildfire part 1

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Nobody really slept after the walkers attacked the quarry. Mkay and Aviana stayed near their jeep and Daryl stayed close to them.

Daryl took it upon himself to tell Mkay the names of those she didn't know. The old man with the rifle was Dale, the mom and daughter she had saved were Carol and Sophia, the rude asshole, the woman and child behind them were Shane, Lori and Carl, the latter two were Rick's wife and son.

There was also the sobbing blonde, Andrea, who was crying over her dead sister, Amy.

From their place in front of Mkay's Jeep, she and Daryl watched as Andrea with disapproving frowns while Aviana was sitting on the car slumped over her mother's back, dozing.

"Ain't smart." Daryl muttered, "Leaving her to become a walker

Mkay nodded in agreement, "True. If it were my brothers, I'd shoot them first and then mourn."

The redneck looked at her, "Why?" He asked

She turned her head to look at him, "They would never forgive me if I let them turn into these things. Nor would I forgive them if they let me turn into one of these things."

Daryl nodded his head in understanding. The two then watched as Lori tried to persuade Andrea to let her sister go.

When she was ignored, Lori left the Harrison sisters alone.

"Where are your brothers?" Daryl asked out of the blue

Mkay sighed, "I dunno. Last I heard, Dean was living with his girlfriend and her son while Sam was as good as dead." She told him

He furrowed his eyebrows, "Ya don' talk?" He asked

The Winchester made a motion with her head, "Our mom died in a fire when Dean was 4, I was about to be 3 and Sam was 6 months. After that, we were raised on the road and in motel rooms. A few years before Aviana was born, my brothers, our dad and I got into a huge fight. Another fight happened when I got pregnant. Both times, none of us spoke to one another. Right before the outbreak, we got into another fight. Sam thought Dean and I were ganging up on him, trying to tell him how to live. Dean told us that he gave up his childhood to take care of us. I told them that I was the one always looking out for them."

Daryl nodded in understanding. He was saved from responsing once the little girl stirred.

"Mommy?" Aviana called out sleepily

Mkay patted her daughter's leg, "Sleep good, monkey?" She asked

Daryl turned his head to observe the two. The longer he looked at Mkay, the more he found differences from the women in camp.

She could obviously take care of herself and her daughter. She had a variety of weapons on her.

Another difference was that Daryl found Mkay extremely attractive.

"Do you want to go play with the other kids?" Mkay asked

Aviana looked around at the other kids and shook her head, "I want to read."

Mkay nodded, "Your books are in the car under your seat." She told her daughter who went to get a book

"She like to read?" Daryl asked

The Winchester woman nodded, "She does. She's like Sam in that way. Dean and I prefer training. And pie, cherry for Dean and pumpkin for me." She replied

As Aviana settled on top of the jeep with her book, the survivors of the attack started to clean up, burning the walker bodies and burying the dead from their group.

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