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A family was asleep

Inside someone was creeping

Haha he thought

Nobody knew he was there

But someone had always been watching


A darkness that stuck to the house

It loved the history of the house

Long before they had moved there their had been a man that disposed of children

After he had passed his soul lingered

He stayed locked in the house

If there weren't children then everything would be calm he had no need to do anything

Alongside him was darkness

It all began before the man's spirit was stuck

There once was a family and they had a toddler

Then that's when the spirit of the killer awakened

He saw that the wife of the man was too tired and frustrated

Maybe it was all the chores and the overwhelming part of caring so much for her toddler

Who really knows... But he played with her mind

Clearing everything and locking her in nothingness

As she was bathing her child her mind got lost

When her husband got back home

He found that his toddler was floating upside down in the tub

They lost it and argued for the last time

Darkness grew

Feasting on the remenats

Until that day she found something... Appealing...


She watched through shadows

She loved wickedness

This one still held a heartbeat

My oh my

What a catch

Then the person slipped

Fear struck him

He felt it

Like a crawling along his spine rushing towards his chest pumping so much blood into his heart at once

She took a form

Her dark fingers and pointy nails scraped at him

He knew that there was something else there but —who

Then he felt the sting

He quickly took his arm into his other one and tried to see what it was

But there wasn't enough light

But it stung like a million bee stings at once

He ran out the door not looking back

When he got to a safe place he looked at his arm

F* no wonder it hurt

There were four deep cuts with black... blood

But bloods supposed to be red

Days passed

He started to have nightmares

Of the woman in the shadow

She was absorbing him slowly

Until one day he was no more


There are things that stay and linger

To do the same thing on repeat

Like broken records that can't be fixed

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