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Every morning was the same

Nothing interesting he thought

Not a new fascinating event

No one to have small talk with

How dim

Someone came in that day

An older woman

She looked defeated and pale

He tried to talk to her maybe she just needed a few good words to get her through her day...

Before he said anything she said, just don't...

Nothing you say can change my day

He found that fascinating

How odd

Usually people tend to try to cheer up or fake an expression

Yeah- no not she

Then she said, if you want to know you'll experience it

When you do remember I said, just don't

Even more interesting

What was going on

It's like someone was playing with him

Couldn't be

But what of the woman

He chose to let it go

Just another person-right

Time passed by

He thought

See nothing just nothing

What the woman said was just talk

As if a clock as it kept telling time something happened

He got out and as he rounded the corner he saw a shiny quarter

What are the odds

His lucky day

He went to reach for the coin then out of nowhere a bicyclist was peddling at an unusual pace

He had to catch himself before he got hit straight forward

Luckily he just caught himself

He ended up scraping his palms

He tried to reach for the coin again but it turned out to be just the shiny inner cover of a bottle

He could swear it was a quarter


He then went for his mail

Nothing wrong with mistaking something at least all he got was a scrape

Nothing a first aid kit can't fix

He reached inside grabbed his mail and was walking back

As he turned he didn't notice that someone had left some of their things there

He kicked it hard and fell on top of the things

That took his breath away

How did... When did... The heck...


Nothing bad

Just an inconvenience

Could've been worst

As he thought that he was straightening when someone came with a bunch of things

They couldn't see him because it was stacks that covered all the way to their head

What the heck

Too late he noticed

The person dropped his things right on him

Everything landed on his toes

Oh!!! The weight!!!... The pain!!!

He shouted

The person out of fright ended up pushing the other things at the man

Another load landed on his feet

The day couldn't be worst

The other person tried to excuse himself for what he had done to him

What could he say

He should've paid attention

He left as quickly as he could

He could hardly shift his feet

No way, he thought

No, what did that woman say again

It just couldn't be

He went back

As he reached his door he found that he had forgotten his mail

Tragic now he had to go back and search for it

As he got there he found that nothing was there

The heck!! He said

Nobody was around

How the...

When the...

Must be a joke

He looked around nobody was around

What could he do

He went back again

No mail

He sat there trying not to think

He didn't want to over analyze anything

It was just an unusual day

He always said there was nothing new

As he thought that he heard how wood broke

His chair broke below him

He fell splat on his back

He hurt half of his spine

He couldn't get up

The pain on his toes now the pain on his spine

Out of all the pain he passed out cold

By the following morning he awoke with a loud groan and moan

He felt it all over again like it just happened all over again

He was freezing but the pain was stronger

Geeze he shouldn't have tried to talk to that woman

It took him days to recover

When he was able to do his usual things he went for his mail

There inside was his old mail on top

He knew because it was crumpled and tore from the fall

It was almost comical


If you think someone has a bad day...

Things happen

Some days are just unusual

Don't attrack it it seems to attach itself for a time or two

We all have bad days and good days

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