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Late at night somewhere between midnight and dawn a single soul swept by

Not many would go as far

Who would?

Not even the darkened souls went there

There was talk of many things

From an entity to a beast...

To people never coming back

As if it was the end or maybe the way to another dimension

Word of mouth was you don't want to be alone...there.....

Last person that was there said they would prove it to be false... Just lies

But what happened... He never returned that's what

Then one day someone came and they had more than enough courage to go deep inside but could he prove them all wrong

He took a backpack ready to go

The first trees were short as he kept walking they became taller thicker and everywhere

Hoot—hoooooot went the owls

As if warning signs of stop before it's too late

He kept walking when he took a step he heard something like glass breaking

He looked around—nothing, no one

He was cautious now

Was he alone

Almost felt like something surrounded him or maybe something followed him


He shouldn't physic himself out

He could do it

As he went further he lost sight of where he came from

Where was left, what was right, where was his back what was his front

Directions crossed but how long ago

When did he make a turn... did he make a turn...

He took out his light and began to leave strings marking his direction

At least now he could get to there then he would stop and wait for morning

Yeah, that's what he would do

He kept walking he looked at his watch and it read 2:45am

He could do it

But how long until he reaches the place

He ate some snacks then kept walking

He heard it again

That crunch of glass

Chills crawled along his arms reaching his lower spine

He felt like prey

On his right in the dark his light turned off

He tried to smack it to life but it only glitched

Then it just didn't turn on

He should have brought extra batteries

His phone wouldn't turn on... Who knows since when...

He was going by the light of the moon

Not much when it was a crescent moon

Then he felt it

A sting

He tried to look but he could only feel it like a paper cut

Maybe it was from a broken branch

He kept walking

His watch said 4:02am

Has he reached it...

He kept walking

Nothing... There was nothing

What a joke... He knew they were lies... Just tales people say so no one tries to defy them

He turned back trying to find the strings

But there was no turning back

The strings all disappeared

How... Was that possible...

Who followed him to do that to him

They were playing with him

He tried to stay calm

He should think, not freak out

Panic is the last thing he should do... Right...

A shadow hid the moons light

Oh, no what could he do... No flashlight, no phone, no moonlight— nothing

That's when a giant hole appeared under him

Down, down, down he went

He tried to grip on to something but there wasn't anything

His hands just gripped the wind

Then he felt it a coldness he shivered

He kept falling

He then felt the thud

He smack straight onto the ground like as if he was laying on his back

His head hit hard and he lost conscious

He awoke after some time

His arms hurt and his legs ached

But his head was another thing

Blistering pain hurt his head

Above him were many

They were all like shadows just waiting for him to awaken

They didn't even say a word

But their eyes showed signs of no life

Empty even hollow

They reached for him

Yanking at him

Gripping him but it wasn't his flesh they gripped it was his soul

They took him out of his body

Lost... He also became one too

HORROR TALES PRT IIIWhere stories live. Discover now