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They came when the moon was crescent. Barely any light shined

Full gear, locked and ready

They had heard tales of tigers

People had gone missing

And they were game to find the tigers and annihilate them

One said, this kitties don't know what's coming their way

Another said, we have more than enough ammo to tare through every tree around

They all laughed finding that to be too precise

No one knew them nor did anyone know they were there in the first place...

They hiked

Knowing what they were looking for and knowing where it could be found

Every stride felt more thrilling

Adrenaline  rushed through all of them

Where they going to have a great night

By this time tomorrow they would have pelts like no other

Owls hooted

Rabbits scurried here and there

That rustling made them feel edgy

Could it be the beasts were there in the dark

—no, only the creatures

They picked up their weapons and carried on

One of them slipped a bit not seeing the branch that stuck out

He slipped a bit and as he did his finger took a shot

Everyone ducked

What was that the rest said

The one that did the accidental shot said, my bad I almost lost my balance

Stupid branch nearly had me falling he whispered

Everything went quiet very fast

They reached close to the top of the mountain

Six of them stood their ground and two went forward

Holding on tightly to their weapon

Like their life depended on it

The two guys muscles twitched not knowing if the tigers were their knowing they were there

Fear almost gripped them but then they looked behind them and they saw more weapons

They had the upper hand

No fuzz ball would beat them

What they didn't know was how enchanted that land was

Long long ago before humans appeared the creator surrounded them in holy peace

That meant who went there automatically became nothing

Their world was all around but there

Not there

Sacred like the animals hearts

The guys walked forward

Weapons in hand

Ready for the kill

But it wasn't in their hands at all

The first tiger appeared

As it strolled it showed it's white pelt almost hypnotic

They had never seen such a beast before

They didn't notice that surrounding them were wolves and tigers

As the hunters aimed at the first tiger they lost sight of everything

The wolves leapt towards the three in the bottom and the two others noticed too late the last guy was still entranced

The wolves tore through the neck and back of the men

Then three tigers appeared

The men with weapons tried to shoot but it wouldn't lodge

Fear crippled them

One tried to run but to late in his fear he twisted his leg so bad it made a loud crunch

The wolves appeared watching him

So puny nothing without a weapon

They surrounded him

Each snapping their jaws at him

He tried to cover himself but his pain was overwhelming

Excruciating they tore through his flesh slowly

Screams were heard

Yet those underneath could not hear them

The tigers took on the other men

Some took out their blades

Swinging and slashing trying to catch a tiger


It's like they were ghosts

That's not possible they thought

They looked at each other and couldn't believe what they saw

The white tiger and the rest surrounded them

In the humans mind they could hear a voice

It said, foolish are you

Not knowing where you stand and believing your the king to do as you wish

Look at my stripes he shouted

They all coward lowly

That shout was enough to bring them to their knees

One of them fell the rest landed on their knees

They couldn't do anything

They were submitting

A few tried to beg for their lives

But the tigers snapped there jaws at them

They didn't want to hear it

Nothing they said was anything

Having so much all around and they still want to conquer the mountains...

The main tiger slashed his paw at the main guy

He knew who was the leader

The tiger thought catch him and they all fall

How true was that

The wolves appeared each taking a limb

The other tigers took the rest and together they shredded him before his group

They watched it all

The horror

Please... they pleaded

Empty were their words

The wolves and tigers circled them

The tiger said, my world and your world are not one

As so you seize to exist here

They shed tears of fear knowing their fate was like the ones before them

They had one thing right it would be a great night


What you think is planned to perfection could be someone else's perrr—fection

HORROR TALES PRT IIIWhere stories live. Discover now