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SANEE PACED HIS ROOM IN fury. He stomped from one end of the room to the other, the act only reminding him of his confinement. He lifted a hand and hit the wall with his open palm. The structure, a solid construction, didn't give when his hand connected with the wall. Sanee swore under his breath.

"Mind your tongue," his mother said as she entered his room, passing through guards posted outside, unbothered.

"He's out of his mind if he thinks I'll marry that girl."

His mother made a sound in the back of her throat as she sat down on his bed to watch him pace the room.

"Your father once said the same thing about me."

Sanee slid to a halt.


His mother's nod was slow. She patted the seat next to her and he moved to join her on the edge of the bed.

"It hurt me to learn of it, but it was true. He was in love with another and didn't want to do his duty and marry me."

"No offense to you mother, but why did he? Why didn't he follow his heart?"

"She wasn't ready for noble life. She had a genetic infirmity that would make childbearing difficult or impossible. The former chieftain couldn't take that chance."

His mother's face looked sad for a moment before she smiled at him again. She found Sanee's hand and placed it in her own.

"Your father was resistant to the marriage, but soon learned to love me. He realized his father's wisdom when the girl he'd wanted to marry died of her disease only a short time after our marriage. Maybe that helped him to move on a little faster, but it was the right thing for him to do for his community. A chieftain with no wife and no children cannot engage the respect of this people. When you are their leader, this is all that will matter."

"I don't want this. Don't you understand? I love—" he hesitated looking for the words to describe her, "someone else."

"Why have you never mentioned her?"

"There's no need, father would never approve of her and the one time he met her..." Sanee would never forget that rage. "He wouldn't approve of her."

"Well, if your father has met this girl and disapproves of her, then you know what you must do. For the sake of your inheritance and the future of our people."

"And what of my heart? Will I sacrifice it and the heart of my true love as well?"

"It seems you must." His mother rose. "Remember something," she said as she reached the door. "You were born to this and I will not apologize for giving my husband sons who can rule in his place. I've given him something he would never have achieved with his first love."

As she walked out of the room, the guard shifted in front of the door again, leaving him lonely but not quite alone. His mother had been firm about her convictions, but she'd said something he hadn't considered before. He was one of two sons. If he chose another life, his brother would be forced into the position of chieftain. Well, they'd all better get used to the idea of his brother being the future chieftain. They'd separated him from Adera for the last time.

Sanee opened the doors, and the guards took formation, clicking their large staffs against the floor. They were older, accustomed to being assigned to his father.

"I'm sorry, I need help in here. Can you come in and check the window? It appears to be stuck and I'm trying to get some fresh air in here without breaking it."

"I'll do it," said the one from the left.

Sanee didn't like deceiving the men this way. They'd be punished for not doing their duty but he had to find Adera before she gave up hope. He'd already missed their original date, but he knew where he might find her waiting.

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