First Day, Worst Day

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The last few days before the school year starts to fly by as UA prepares for the students. You read through all of the lesson plans and try to get an idea of Aizawa's teaching style. He seems extremely organized but also very radical and intense. In some ways, it actually reminds you of the ways you taught your own students back in the US... at least at first. While you go through the lesson plans you write down your own ideas for them. You don't find time to run them by Aizawa- he seems like he's been purposefully avoiding you- but you keep them in your back pocket in case you get a chance to share your thoughts.

Before you know it, the day finally arrives. You're waiting in the teacher's lounge until it's time to go meet the students in your classroom, but you haven't heard from Aizawa and are getting anxious that he's not there yet.

"Hey, Midnight, have you seen Aizawa around?" You ask one of the faculty as they run in and out of the room.

Midnight gives you a caring look but it comes off as borderline pity to you. "I'm sorry, I haven't. He's not really a morning person, but I'm sure he'll be along soon. Good luck today!" She dashes off, blowing you a kiss.

You sigh, slumping back down into your chair. You consider going to his room to find him, but decide to forget it. If he doesn't show up, you're perfectly capable of running the class on your own. All he has planned is a "quirk assessment test" anyways- something you've done plenty of times.

The door opens slowly and Aizawa waddles in, wrapped in his sleeping bag. He lies over the arms of the chair across from you, muttering under his breath.

You roll your eyes. Today is not a day you can put up with this man's bullshit.

"Nice of you to show up." You offer at the pile of yellow fabric.

The pile keeps muttering and even lets out a snore that seems to jar him back awake.

"Do you want to discuss the plan for today?"

"Quirk assessment test." The pile groans.

You wait for more explanation but that's all you're gonna get, it seems, after a few moments of silence.

Fine. If he wants to play this game, you'll play.

You get up and immediately head for the door. "I'm on my way to the classroom if you have any interest in meeting our students today." You offer as you leave, shutting the door a little louder than you mean to.

You make your way through the building and approach the classroom but see that damned yellow sleeping bag outside 1-A.

How the fuck did he get there before you? You're fairly certain super-speed isn't part of his Quirk.

You get inside while Aizawa is peeling himself out of the sleeping bag and the entire class is silent, each student frozen staring at him. You don't blame them.

"Hello. I'm Shoto Aizawa, your teacher." The students look horrified and once again, you don't blame them. Aizawa then introduces you by name, telling the students about your status as the teacher's aide.

"Hi everyone, I'm looking forward to working together this year. I was hoping we could all introduce-"

"Right, let's get to it. Put these on and head outside." Aizawa jumps in with no acknowledgment you were speaking and pulls out a bunch of the student PE uniforms.

The students all look confused as they grab the uniforms from him, and you stare daggers into Aizawa's back as they file out. You consider confronting him right here and now, but there's not enough time- you need to focus on the students right now. You do know, however, that's the first and last time he'll ignore you, especially in front of the students.

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