5 - Squirrelflight's Decision

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Author's Notes: in the cover, you can admire official art from Owen Richardson.

- LsraEndlight

<< Welcome back guys! >>
<< Bramblestar, Squirrelflight needs to see the medicine cats. >>
<< What happened?! >>
<< It's nothing, really, I- >>
<< She called us for help, than we found her talking to herself and she started convulsing all of sudden. >>
<< I said I'm fine... >>

Bramblestar stopped his mate's protests by grabbing her by the scruff and pulling her against him, in his safe paws.

<< Don't argue now, you need to rest. >>
<< But the announcement? Jayfeather and Alderheart told me you'll call a Clan meeting to tell something that the whole Clan must hear. >>

Said Squirrelflight, hoping to hear at least what the leader had to say before going with the medicine cats.

<< The medicine cats' den is not that far that you can't hear what we're going to say. You'll still be able to enjoy the meeting. >>
<< I... have nothing to counter that. >>

Sighed Squirrelflight, slapping herself mentally a few seconds later.
"I'm such an idiot! If I stay in the medicine cats' den, I can talk to Jayfeather and Alderheart faster!"

Not feeling upset at the thought of not being at his mate's side anymore, the red deputy went to lay at the entrance of her sons den.
"I'm sure that snake meant something and if Shellfur and Lesfshade couldn't see it, it must have been an omen for sure. They'll be able to help me."
Getting comfortable, she looked at Bramblestar and waited for him to start.

<< Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the Highledge for a Clan meeting! >>

Screamed the dark tabby as warriors, elders and apprentices went to look at him, the queens were picking out of the nursery and trying to silence the curious kits.

<< Cats of ThunderClan! We have important news. Please, Jayfeather, tell them what did you see. >>

The blind cat nodded and went to sit beside the leader.

<< Yesterday night, StarClan sent me a vision and warned me about a cat in great danger. >>

The Clan's members started to whisper among themselves, already making up theories and hypothesis and trying to guess the misterious cat.

<< Beware of the pain hunting a noble heart. Beware of the memories clawing at the strong mind. Even a gentle soul will turn it's back on the stars and walk a blood-soaked path if noone's there to help. >>

Said Jayfeather.

<< This is what they told me. Then they said I must find "her" before "they" do. >>
<< We need to find a queen? >>
<< Who are "they"? >>

With a shaking voice and wide eyes, Bumblestripe stared at his Clanmates and meowed agitated: << What if they're talking about the Kin's remaining members? What if the Dark Forest is back? >>, rising a choir of the same questions in the Clan.

<< It's clearly the Dark Forest! Those ghosts can enter our dreams, they can torment all of us after these past tragedies! >>
<< It's true! >>
<< Do we have to fight them again?! >>

Squirrelflight's heart skipped a beat.
"Jayfeather got a prophecy about a queen in danger..."
She looked at her paws.
"... then that snake appeared to me. It can't be a coincidence. I must be the prophesied cat!"
The deputy got up with the intent of telling everyone what she had seen that same day, but another question stopped her.
"But what if it's not me?"
She sat down, trying to think with more clarity.
"The snake just said to answer a call and let it in and I don't feel in any danger, I'm not sick or dying or..."
Thinking back to that morning, she remembered the strong sensation of panic she felt and the fact that Ashfur's memories were still haunting her.
"That means nothing. It's not like he can hurt me again and I will forget about him with time. It's not an immediate danger... but I shouldn't be careless when it comes to omens and prophecies... but I can't just tell something like this with no certainty, it would only complicate things."

<< Mh... >>

Thinking about her choices, Squirrelflight finally took a decision.
"I will talk with that snake and try to get as many informations as possible, then I'll talk with Jayfeather and the others."
Nodding to herself, she focused again on her mate's words.
"Hope I didn't lose anything important."

<< That's why it's important that we stick togheter, that we take care of each other and be careful to notice if our friends and our relatives might seem a bit strange, or worried, or in pain. We need to help each other, so that when we'll help the prophecy's she-cat, noone else will suffer. >>

"Wait, did I miss the entire talk?!"
She slapped herself with her own tail, hoping her mate wouldn't be offended if she asked him to repeat himself once they would be left alone.

<< Ehi granny, are you alright? >>

Asked Flamekit running up to her, Finchkit was right after him with their mother.

<< Hey, mom, we heard Shellfur and Lesfshade talk about what happened in the forest. >>
<< Don't worry Sparkpelt, it was probably something I've eaten, some bad meet or things like these. >>

Lied the stripeless she-cat, not wanting to worry her daughter and grandkits.
"I'm the most worried one already, it's enough for now."

<< I hope so. Did you ear what Jayfeather said? Who do you think is the she-cat of the prophecy? >>
<< I... I don't know. I'm honestly surprised StarClan talked with us about it, the biggest threat we had recently was the Kin and it hit ShadowClan, SkyClan and RiverClan harder. >>

"ShadowClan and SkyClan especially."
Thought the deputy at the painful memories of the time Darktail brought on their knees three different Clans and almost destroyed ShadowClan entirely.

<< Yeah, I thought their cats would be more prone to traumas and these kind of things. >>

Said Sparkpelt, lowering her voice slightly at the thought of her kits listening.

<< They probably are, maybe StarClan wants to talk with us about something else and is already speaking with the other Clans' medicine cats. >>
<< Yes, you're right, our ancestors would never leave someone behind. >>

The two cats got comfortable as they decided to team up and catch the kits to bath them, giggling at the little ones' protests and trying to ease the mood.
Squirrelflight thought.
"Tomorrow I'll tell them everything. I need answers first."

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