3 - Bramblestar's Decision

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After their little chat, Jayfeather and Alderheart went to call Bramblestar.
The leader sat outside the nursery, entertaining the kits by letting them play with his tail and teaching them a few moves to try like that.

<< Bramblestar, we need to ask you something. It's really important. >>

Said Jayfeather, ignoring the sensation of soft kits' paws batting at his and trying to get him on the ground.

<< Sure, let's go in my den. >>

The dark tabby waited to be in private with the medicine cats, knowing really well that if a question was deemed as "really important", it wasn't for the whole Clan to hear.

<< So, what's the question? >>
<< We ne- >>
<< Jayfeather got a prophecy from Starclan! >>

Meowed Alderheart, his voice trembling with excitement while his former mentor "stared" at him sharply.

<< Don't interrupt me. Anyway, it's true, they sent me a vision and told me that there is a cat in needs of help, a she-cat who might walk on a terrible path if she doesn't get help. >>

The gray cat could imagine Bramblestar's worried gaze at his words.

<< The problem is, Starclan talked about wounds that attack the heart and the mind, you may not be a medicine cat, but you know really well what this means. >>
<< Sadly, I do. >>

Sighed the leader.
He had a few mental scars himself, while most cats would think those came from the judgement and the doubts he felt from his own Clan at a young age, the time he was just an apprentice and his father had become the tyrant of ShadowClan, he had a few more recent, especially after the great battle against the Dark Forest.

<< I faced that pain and not just once. >>
<< I know. You still have more mood swings than a pregnant queen, but at least your needs to prove to the Clan that you're the "perfect leader" and can make the others respect you is gone. Your and Squirrelflight's constant arguing was getting pathetic. >>

Alderheart turned to Jayfeather with the expression of a worried parent who's kit had just insulted a Starclan's ancestor, but the ledder didn't protest, he couldn't deny that his behavior had been inexcusable in different past occasion when it came to making the right decision and communicating with his partner. He had gotten better with time and he and Squirrelflight had stopped having arguments that would get in the "toxic zone" as fast as they started, but the leader couldn't push aside the uncomfortable sensation he felt everytime he thought back at those.
Starclan only knew, after their "adventure" with the Sister, who was feeling the more guilt for Leafpool's death between him and his mate.

<< Jayfeather, you should be a bit more delicate. >>
<< Don't worry Alderheart, he's right. The past is past, but it's never wrong to think back to your errors and remember yourself to avoid them. >>
<< Bramblestar's right and since we're talking about getting better, I think he's going to satisfy our request. >>
<< Which is... ? >>
<< We know that medicine cats don't take care of mental health as much as they did in the past and right now nobody as taught us how to deal with the "serious stuff". We need to meet with the other Clans' medics to discuss what we should do now and how we can help this she-cat. >>
<< And since it's important to take care of minds as much as bodies, we'd like to request an emergency gathering with the other leaders as well, every Clan should take care of it's warriors and we could help each other if we study a way to do it and we have the leader present to give us all permission to work togheter on this. >>

Bramblestar nodded as the medicine cats stopped talking, then smiled.

<< Your heart is in the right place, you two are truly great medicine cats. >>

Said the leader with a purr.

<< I'll send someone to the other Clans to request an emergency gathering, I'm sure no leader would like to miss such an important conversation. But first, tell me, do you have any idea about the identity of the she-cat in danger? >>
<< No clue, Starclan gave me nothing on her look or the name. >>

Said Jayfeather, then repeated all of his ancestors' words to his leader.

<< This is everything they said. >>
<< Very well... I think this might be a prophecy to share with the Clan. >>
<< Are you sure? >>

Asked Alderheart.

<< Yes. They told us to help someone who's suffering inside and sometimes that's really hard to see, what evil could come from letting our cats know that someone needs all the support they could use? A good warrior never turns their back on someone in need, by letting them know the prophecy, we might find the misterious she-cat faster and who knows, we might help more cats in need along the road. >>

The dark tabby's smile grew wider.

<< Yes, we might share the prophecy with our Clan, but not with the other leaders. If Starclan came to you and didn't speak of all the Clans, then it's about us and I don't think it might help to have the others putting their whiskers in our buisness. We'll tell them about the importance of re-introducing the care for minds and souls in the Clans and you might use the occasion to meet with the other medicine cats and speak with them of the prophecy if you think they may help. But only them. Some cats can be so stubborn when it comes to big changes if there is a prophecy involved... >>
<< Especially your nephew. >>

Said Jayfeather with clear distaste in the voice at the mention of the new Tigerstar, the current leader of ShadowClan and good one with that name, even if some cats would have been more doubtful on calling him entirely "good" (especially Leafstar).

<< Yes, especially him. >>

While Bramblestar went out of his den, Alderheart turned to Jayfeather with a puzzled expression.

<< Do you really think this is the right way to deal with the prophecy? >>

The blind tabby shrugged his shoulder.

<< I don't know, but Bramblestar has a point and when I first heard the prophecy about me, Lionblaze and Dovewing, Starclan talked witn Firestar as well and we too spoke of their words with him, nothing bad that has happened at the time came from cats who knew the prophecy. Why it should come out of letting the Clan know that someone, maybe one of our Clanmmates, needs help? >>
<< Yes, I guess you're right. >>

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