7 - Mapleshade

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Author's Notes: if you like the cover, you can find it and other cool art here:


From Anna Podedworna.

- LaraEndlight

The cold was biting at her body, sending chills down her spine like fear itself wanted to impress every second passing on her fur and her skin.
Squirrelflight bared her fangs at the ghost, holding her ground and trying to hide the growing desire to turn around and running for cover. The memories of the battle against the Dark Forest were still vivid, many moons had passed from that night, but it was hard to forget the fear, the incredible sensation of fighting side by side with her ancestors and all of StarClan itself and the terrible stench of death emanating from those decaying corpses that tried to corrupt their Clans and kill them all.
It was in that battle, that Hollyleaf was lost, killed by Hawkfrost, the same cat her mate trusted so much and that had tried to kill her father. At the end he did rip someone she held dear away from her heart and the ghost in front of her had almost done the same, she was in danger and helpless, unable to call for backup and to avenge the cat she had the honor to call "daughter".

<< What do you want?! >>

Hissed Squirrelflight.
Mapleshade didn't answer, she simply licked one of her paw, using it to brush the bloody fur that didn't look like it could be easily moved by touch, like it was completely stuck to her body.

<< I'm not here to cause any harm, Squirrelflight, I'm here to help you. >>

Squirrelflight snorted.

<< You?! Helping someone?! Don't make me laugh! >>

The red cat assumed a defensive position, ready to pounce on the ghost.

<< You wanted to kill my mother for having an happy family and a good life! You killed Spottedleaf again! >>
<< I saved her. She was but a sad spirit clinging to her obsession for a cat she couldn't have. >>
<< That's not true! My father told me everything about her! She was a good cat- >>
<< Yes, a good cat that suffered so much in her life. And what did your father tell you? He saw her and her beauty and developed a crush for her like any young cat. He kept thinking about it so much she had to tell Sandstorm that her mate was loyal, before they had you two I mean... >>

Squirrelflight could vaguely remember her parents telling her and her sister about it, they were talking about SkyClan and how they saved it and decided to talk about their story and the many obstacles they had faced as a couple.
At the time she wasn't that interested, but growing up and being with Bramblestar, she missed her parents' stories and advices about things, even relationships.

<< She kept suffering and would have gone on forever, I put an end to her pain. She should be thanking me. >>
<< There are different ways to help cats, you don't need to kill them to stop their pain. >>
<< You really think so? >>

Asked the mottled cat giggling.

<< You went through so much and yet, you're still as naive as a kit. >>
<< What are you insinuating? >>

She knew she shouldn't have a conversation with that cruel cat, yet she kept going.
"Maybe if I play along, she won't attack me."

<< You don't trust me, it's fair, you don't know all the story. For know, you just need to know that I crave a second chance at living and to get that, I need to clean my soul of the evil I caused. >>
<< Good luck with that. >>

Meowed a skeptical Squirrelflight, ready to defend herself from the possible outcome of her words.
Mapleshade was still calm.
At least, if her words had struck a nerve, the ghost didn't show it.

<< Oh, I need no luck, I need you to accept my help. >>
<< And why would I ever need help from the likes of you? >>

The spirit grinned, it wasn't as friendly and formal as before, it was scary, like she knew something that Squirrelflight didn't and couldn't wait for the right moment to spill the tea.

<< For now, I can tell you only that StarClan is a fraud and your paws aren't steady as long as you walk under it's stars. >>
<< Lies! >>

Hissed the red cat.

<< You have no right to speak of my ancestors and my family that way! My parents, my sister and many good cats are up there and many of them died thanks to you and your friends! >>
<< That is true and it's why I'm trying to change my ways... >>

Mapleshade walked towards her and Squirrelflight went still, ready to fight.

<< But I'm here, admitting my faults and asking for your help, try asking StarClan if they have always been fair to you all... >>

Said the ghost circling her.

<< Ask them about their behavior before the Great Battle, ask them about Ashfur. >>

At the mention of said name, Squirrelflight felt panic rise again.

<< What about him?! >>

But it was too late.
Mapleshade's shape was fading and so was all the place she had found herself in when she had opened her eyes.
She was waking up.

<< Don't run away you coward! Tell me more! >>

Mapleshade voice couldn't reach her.

(ORIGINAL BOOKS' AU) Warrior Cats - A Frail Soul's TormentWhere stories live. Discover now