The first crack

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The wind blew south as a voice crackled in the loudspeaker breaking the monotone atmosphere of the classroom. Chabashira sensei's marker had stopped flowing as the voice reverberated in the room. "Please assemble in the Auditorium by 9:30 sharp. I repeat, Please assemble in the Auditorium by 9:30 sharp. Thank you." The crackling speaker had stopped as chattering emanated from my classroom. Airi had just been expelled and this unprecedented arrival of another strange occurrence had led to unwanted worries.

I sighed deeply as a haughty chuckle escaped the black-haired maiden's lips. "That sigh never gets old. Isn't that right?" I got up from my seat and followed her as I said, "Just like your compass Horikita, painful as always." She shot a glance towards me as she walked forward,"Hmm, why wouldn't it be? It's filled with my feelings towards you isn't it? Also, where is your girlfriend? Why isn't she there all koala-like over your bored frame?"

Her response elicited Kei to separate from her group as she marched towards us with a slight wave, "Hey there Horikita-san! Were you missing dear old me? And misterrr Kiyooo, why are you walking so slow? Come on, hurry up!" She entwined her hand with mine as she hastened her steps and brought me closer to her and away from that witch.

"Y'know, you need lessons on how to not be a masochist around Horikita-san. You have a girlfriend if you really need to show that side of you" She smirked as she teased me and pinched my sides, I mouthed "Oww..."

"Oh come on Kiyobaka, we both know you don't feel anything!" Out of context that would sound very rude and horrible,it's quite interesting how clueless she can be at times, it can even be called endearing.

Her giggles had been spreading across the walking students causing their lips to crease upwards, it was quite difficult to have a popular girlfriend and also be hated by your own group. Turning around I noticed a sulking Haruka walking slowly while Kushida who had just ended the maid cafe a few days ago walked all alone, quite different from her former self in her first year. I did notice something though, she kept taking glances towards Horikita every now and then.

We had finally reached the auditorium which was jam-packed with students from different classes and grades, interestingly even the Former Student Council president and his Secretary was present in the upper decks. Towards the side there was a teacher's cabin as well, having our homeroom teachers seated there.

This was something more than special exams, for sure. But what was it, I for the first time in a while, had no idea. Something odd to notice was that each and every chair had someone's name written in golden letters on it as we were seated in our designated spots. Seated around me were the respective class leaders, which seem quite improbable and sent me in a downward spiral of thoughts coming up with various theories and reasonings to justify this.

A voice calmed down the distinct noises that had spread across the hall as everyone was confused or agitated by this callout. This though, wasn't an ordinary voice, it had a distinct sense of power and strictness behind it, which was eerily similar to the ruthless voices of the Whiteroom Instructors.


Just one word was powerful enough. to immediately cause the chatter to die down, Quite impressive from any average person's standpoint. The voice spoke up slowly

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