Different Orbs

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The room was casual and calming compared to the upheaval caused an hour ago. I looked around a bit as the others were simply bouncing ideas of each other. The man wasn't up on the stage for a while, until finally he finally showed up. This time, he changed his wardrobe with a pair of glasses on. We could now see his sunken eyes, with dark circles encasing them as he had covered the rest of his face up.

"What we see, depends mainly on what we are looking for. Right now, I am looking for another perspective or a different pair of eyes, one that I am about to show you isn't of Kiyotaka. Rather, Suzune let's see how different you might have turned out to be. Let's begin, without further adieu. Also, maintain decorum you filthy scumbags."

His words were insulting yet not one complained, everyone was already hooked on to the screen as if, they were all excited about what was happening and what was about to happen. To watch their different selves, acting differently yet being the same was hard to wrap their head around. Even I was quite curious to view what a different form of Horikita would be like? Would she be less brutal? Or nicer? Or feed me food without having a trap? Only the play button would tell.


Horikita POV

Since time immemorial I idolised my brother. He is everything I yearn to be, I devoted my entire childhood trying to catch up to him but I failed EVERY SINGLE TIME.

It started off quite strongly, immediately showing off what she desires and aims for. I looked at Horikita who was embarrassed at hearing her own shameful thoughts while the former president sighed in disappointment, I suppose showing affection wasn't something he desired.

Tachibana pointed out, "Manabu, she seems to love you a lot more than a first glance.I feel somewhat bad that you have treated her a bit more harshly than she deserved."

"I simply did what's necessary. I don't want to be her role model, I want her to surpass me."His voice was crystal clear as it broke through the silence in the room as everyone was paying attention to Manabu. Loud murmurs spread through the room as doubt and interest peaked,

'His sister surpassing him? Are you serious?'

'I know right? It's utter bollocks!'

'Hey, he is the former president, he should have a half-decent judgement of people....so, is she capable?'

'What has she ever done that surpasses her own class? Hah, she is just as worthy as hulk was of the gauntlet.'

"I-I think that's wrong. I have made quite a few mistakes and taken grave actions Nii-san. I can't possibly-"Horikita started to speak as her face contorted with emotions, which was the first time she had shown this much of herself and also this publicly. I suppose having her family with her, did mean quite a lot. Especially with her ongoing mental state, she is highly vulnerable and in the process of development.

"I didn't speak to you did I? Suzune, I said what I had to. I don't care about your pointless opinion.I hope I don't have to repeat." He glared at the audience warning both them and her to end the discussion and mind their business. Sudo from the corner of my eye tapped Horikita's back as he said,"As my tutor and our leader, I agree with your brother Horikita. In my eyes, you are plenty cool!" He laughed trying to lighten the situation as her face slightly reddened at the sweet comments some of the classmates made of her. Some yet hadn't forgiven her completely for saving Kushida, but it had progressed, at least on the surface. I felt Horikita glance at me once for some reason.

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