Hi I am your Mirror

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Thoughts are always a mystery. We conjure up the most bizarre and twisted fantasies, even when they contradict our reason and our identity. A person as gentle as Ichinose might imagine slaughtering old people in the dark or Horikita might dream of showing kindness to others. My thoughts, though, have always been cold and rational. 

Even when I strayed from that path, I was confident that my mind was in a clear and orderly space that didn't get distracted by the present situation. Such detachment was extremely rare and almost unnatural for the creative and restless mind of a human. Was I arrogant? No, I was simply realistic. Being able to organize thoughts in a logical way was very different from what usually happens with ordinary people who think chaotically and clumsily.

"Kiyo, you really love to ponder don't you?" Kei asked as she caressed my cheek with a small smile etching on her face. I run my hand down her hair in return as she closes her eyes peacefully. I nodded,"Maybe I was thinking of you."

She punched my body slightly,"Silly! You aren't that romantic, such a liar!"She giggled slightly as Ichinose looked at us from the corner and I could feel her discomfort. While  Sakayanagi could be seen as someone watching an experiment.

"Ayanokouji, can I ask you something?" Kanzaki's voice pierced the silence that had settled between us, making me turn to face his curious eyes.He stared at me with a blend of fear and doubt, as if he was expecting me to betray our coalition with their class.I felt a wave of caution as I wondered what he was fishing for and how much I should lie. Should I tell him anything? No, that would be too risky.

"I suppose you can say I was involved in certain things. But mostly, it was Horikita's plan with a bit of my input." I said as I turned the credit to the class leader as she sighed in exasperation. She spoke up in a razor-cut voice, "False, you were the core and I was the edge. Get your facts straight Ayanokouji-kun. Giving people false claims is one thing, baiting me is another. I don't wish to take credit that I didn't earn. I expect you to respect that."

"I see, very well then. I hope Kanzaki, that answered  your question, if it doesn't please don't ask further."

"W-what....alright, fair enough. At least some honesty was shown, thank you Ayanokouji and Horikita." He sat down after doing a customary bow giving a slight sigh of relief. I didn't ponder much on it as I sat back comfortably waiting for the next revelation.

Ayanokouji's POV

That introduction ceremony was considered boring since I saw many students yawning and talking nonsense; on closer inspection, though I noticed something odd. My class had the most students showing this unruly behaviour which in a decreasing manner was shown as the classes ascended Alphabetically, huh, I wonder if something is going on here.

"You seem to be quite observant, if I am not wrong you might have even figured out the S system right then and there," Yagami spoke up with a smile on his face having a sense of jubilation. 

"I simply wouldn't have connected the dots. I am not that smart, just more observant" I clarified his misconception but it seems to have sparked a debate among the crowd whether being observant was enough to be called smart or perhaps something else, more essential was needed.

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