Fairy in danger

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"Wow Crystal you work here too? Maybe I should work here too" Nora said with a grin "sorry but we're not hiring, now how about you leave so I can be happy" Crystal said shooing her out the store "come on Crystal help us feed the pets" Musa said handing her a milk bottle "they seem more hungry than usual" Crystal said attempting to feed the pets only for them to turn into larger creatures.

"I can't believe Ogron managed to get into the store and put a spell on our pets!" Crystal said angrily after turning the pets back to normal "is everything okay now?" Helia asked walking up to the girls "yup...wait there's Mitzi pet" bloom reminded "really? Do we really have to go help her, like she's not my favorite person out there plus Nora is with her, I think-" Crystal said before keeping her mouth shut after noticing the dirty looks her friends we're giving her "alright let's go save them" She said flying towards the direction Mitzi and her cousin could be.

"Arg! Eric what are you doing with Nora of all people?!" Crystal asked after noticing Nora kissing her boyfriend "Crystal hey I wanted to-" Eric said but soon stopped "shut up dork, I need you to stay far away from my boyfriend Nora" Crystal said "aw come on we can share" Nora whined getting off his arms "what kind of stupid mindset it that? You and I aren't close enough for me to consider such a situation and even if we are I'll never consider it, now scram" Crystal said as Nora walked away.

"Boyfriend? Does that mean you forgive me?" Eric asked hopefully "don't think too much into I'm still mad at you, the only reason I said that is because I don't like Nora having what's mine" Crystal said walking away "well we're one step closer to working things out, she's cooled down from our other fights" Eric said "she's been going to therapy so that helps...if your wondering how I know I followed her to a few of her sessions" Skylar said interrupting them.

Next day

"Yawn" Stella yawned as she walked towards the table "good morning Stella" Crystal greeted as she drank a cup of coffee while reading a magazine "all these boxes, I can't take it" Stella said falling back "then you've got to eat, today is clean up day" Bloom said standing up and she named all the things that needed cleaning.

"Yawn" Stella yawned as she walked towards the table "good morning Stella" Crystal greeted as she drank a cup of coffee while reading a magazine "all these boxes, I can't take it" Stella said falling back "then you've got to eat, today is clean up...

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"This furniture magazine is really useful" Crystal said flipping through the pages of the magazine as she used her magic to paint the walls "I wanna see" Stella said snatching the magazine from her "I think we should paint the walls first before deciding on the furniture" Aisha said before they all continued painting.

"The specialist they're early" bloom said after hearing the doorbell ring "it might be someone else" Tecna suggested "who did we invite other than them-ah" Crystal said as Stella stopped the magic that controlled the brushes and pain "haha, you have paint in your hair and face" Flora laughed as bloom opened the door revealing Andy and his band "I think it's adorable" Chris said using a napkin to clean her face "Flattery get you no where love, now help me paint the walls" Crystal said handing him a paint brush.

"Maybe I should paint your shirt pink, I think it'll bring out the colors in your eyes" Crystal teased after painting the doorknob "I think pink looks better on you" Chris said placing his hand on her head to clean off paint "I say blue" she said grinning "how about a break" bloom suggested as they all stopped their task "sound fun, I'm hungry maybe we should order Chinese, give me a" Crystal said digging her hand into Chris pocket as he laughed.

"You girls seem to be in good hands" Sky said entering the house interrupting the girls "huh?" The girl said confused "hey this is great, why don't you guys pick up a brush the girls could use the help" Andy said walking towards the specialist "they were passing by and were kind enough to help us, we've been working hard all day" Stella said pretending to be tired "I agree I'm tired of painting, my hands hurt" Crystal said laughing.

"Really all you did was paint the doorknob and read magazines as always" Chris said laughing "get out" Crystal said "we're playing at the fruit and music bar tonight we'll be glad if you came" Andy said as bloom agreed for the group.

Time skip

"Wow that girl Roxy is a feisty little thing" Crystal said after Roxy ran out the house where she and the Winx girls met "don't start, come on let's go find her" bloom said as they ran out to look for the girl. "Looks to me like she doesn't wanna go with you" Bloom said interrupting Ogron from performing anymore spells on Roxy "sigh, let's just get this over with, magic winx Enchantix!" Crystal said as they transformed.

"Ice trap!" Crystal said hitting Anagan with her attack "good one Crystal" Musa said hyping her friend "we shouldn't let our guard down- arg!" Bloom said as Duman struck the girls "yea, she's right" Crystal said shaking her head. "I can feel it, the believix energy" Flora said as a purple cloud formed above them and their new transformation began.

"Wow the new believix outfit is so cute and I think my wings look bigger than before" Crystal said admiring her appearance "I agree we look stunning" Stella said laughing "thanks Roxy the minute you believed in us we transformed" bloom thanked "I-...

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"Wow the new believix outfit is so cute and I think my wings look bigger than before" Crystal said admiring her appearance "I agree we look stunning" Stella said laughing "thanks Roxy the minute you believed in us we transformed" bloom thanked "I-I believe in you know and I hope you beat these creepy guys" Roxy said full of hope "they're coming!" Crystal said flying to the sky after noticing the wizards.

"Arg, this is so annoying Anagan is all over the place it's hard to attack him" Crystal said missing another attack on the man "too slow" Anagan said kicking her out the sky "urg" she said frustrated as they left, "I'll deal with Gantlos" Crystal said placing the man in an ice prison "finally caught you" she said excitedly "I like you, it's fun toying with you" he said causing an earth quake "I really do hate that man" she said blowing a strand of hair from her face.

"Are you okay Crystal?" Eric asked after the wizards ran away "I'm fine" she said leaving the area "shot, I missed my chance to apologize" Eric said clenching his fist "don't worry bro, we're going to the fruit and music bar you might have a chance there" Skylar said trying to cheer up his brother.

"I've never been so happy to be back at work" Roxy said "I bet but your a fairy now and nothing is gonna be the same you have to be careful" Aisha said as they entered the music bar "Roxy where have you been? Where we're you I looked everywhere. And where did he come from? He's not one of your homeless animals is he?" Her father asked as the pet begged for a home "girls this is my father, dad these are my new friends" Roxy said "pleased to meet you, Roxy here is obsessed with animals every shape and size in fact the uglier and dirtier they are the better" he said disgusting Flora, Crystal and Aisha.

"I've hired extra help" Her father said as the specialist walked in "this is smile" he said introducing sky "nice to meet you smile what a nice name is it because you smile a lot" bloom said "well it depends on my girlfriend if she smiles then I'm smiling too" Sky said as the man continued introducing "this is Loric" the man said "oh my hi loric where's the other two?" Crystal asked "they went back home for personal reasons" Eric said "prepare to suffer" Crystal said with a grin before walking away.

"Oh my were definitely putting the boys through the ringer" Crystal said laughing as she took a sip of her smoothie as she sat on a rock in the beach "seriously though I thought you wanted him to suffer the most with that banana smoothie fiasco" Musa said with a laugh "no serious that banana thing is true, I felt my throat close up" she said as her friends along with Roxy laughed.

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