Th fairy of justice

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"Here we are, I think it's right over that hill" Bloom said as the girls reached the mountains "if we're going to be hiking we need the right gear, my mountain terrain collection rugged yet still stylish" Stella said changing the girls outfits "cute" Crystal said walking up the hill. "Look three o'clock" Gantlos said pointing at the bushes "they're so cute" Crystal said staring at the creatures "greetings hello" Stella said waving at the creatures "those are Rustic fairies Sibylla loyal servants" Ogron said "they look friendly" bloom said brushing his worries away "their job is to defend the perimeter of the cave, remember those tests I mention to you earlier, well they're about to start" Ogron said as the fairies ran away from the team.

"What happens if you come with good intentions and get the delux welcome wagon?" Stella asked before feeling the ground shake "out of the way!" Bloom said as boulders rolled down at the girls "was that meant to squash us or was that the welcome wagon?" Crystal asked dusting herself "they're gone, the coast is clear" Flora informed "the gift of the heart makes anything possible" Stella said "thank you fairies we are grateful to you and eternally in your dept" Duman said as the continued their walk.

"This must be Sibylla cave" Flora "what are we waiting for let's go in come out and head back to the fruit and music bar for the contest" Crystal said entering the cave "the thing I hate most, high bridges maybe we should fly over" Stella suggested "with the strong Magic energy in here we couldn't transform even if we wanted to" Tecna said "then come on let's walk, you won't be scared Stella you have the gift of heart" bloom said walking towards the bridge "I'm thinking the gift of caution might be better right now" Stella said getting on the bridge "what's that swishing sound?" Flora asked "please don't tell me there's something in the water" Crystal said pressing her back against the wall as the rest of the group check out the cause of the sound "Looks like a lobster ghost" Stella said causing Crystal to gulp "but ghosts don't make's real!" Bloom said as the creature destroyed the bridge "how are we gonna get back home?" Crystal asked panting heavily.

"There should be some way to abracadabra this thing open" Stella said standing in front of a large door "maybe you should use your magic scan tecna" Flora suggested "I should take a closer look" tecna said walking towards the door "look the warrior fairies" Aisha pointed out "Winx believix!" Bloom said as the girl transformed defending the wizards. "Come forward Winx, you fared well against the warrior fairies they can't accept the fact that you were protecting the wizards that entrapped them" Sibylla said appearing in front of the girls "no disrespect Sibylla but before we get to that, why were all your guardians attacking us out there" Stella asked "true, I almost got squashed twice" crystal added.

"You have brought with you the darkest of passengers, tell me why is it that you are protecting them?" Sibylla asked "the dark wizards asked for our protection and to a fairy that is a sacred request" bloom explained "true, I believe that no fairy should choose the path of vengeance that includes Morgana, you have done the right thing and all the Ethereal fairies unanimously agree" Sibylla said as the Ethereal fairies appeared "you defended your ancient enemies with your lives, proving to us that the gift of destiny are in good hands" the fairies said "the courage we got from the gift of heart helped us make this journey without fear" Bloom said as the fairies explained the untouched power.

"We're those our boyfriends singing up there?" Crystal asked as the specialist exited the stage "they used magic" Musa said angrily "I'll go set up my stuff" crystal said walking to the stage "okay everybody get ready to rock out with the Winx!" Musa said as the girls played.

Next day

"You need something fresh" Roxy said patting her dog "now that we have a contract with a record label company we can't just be called the 7 Winx girls" Aisha said "it has to be fresh and something with edge" Tecna said "how about blond leading the blond" Stella suggested "how about no" Crystal shut down "how about just keeping it simple, the Winx club band" Musa suggested as the group agreed and divided with their boyfriends "I'm glad you girls came back before getting disqualified" Eric said as Crystal smelled a flower "I should thank you and the guys, and even though it was magic you became even cuter for some reason" she said about to kiss him before sneezing.

"You okay?" Eric asked "it's cold" she said before hearing dog barks "I come here to give you a message not to fight, it comes from Morgana if you don't bring the wizards of the black circle to her then you will suffer the wrath of the second warrior fairy Aurora the fairy of the north" Nebula said "tell her that her threats don't scare us" Aisha said "her revenge is not unleashed against you Winx but the humans of earth" Nebula said "it's being unleashed?" Tecna asked "it is and only you can stop it" Nebula said showing the girls the world being frozen over.

"It's some kind of very powerful ice spell" Tecna said "and it's spreading fast" bloom said "the northern seas have started to freeze and the ice will advance across the land until the whole planet is covered in one big glacier" Nebula said before bloom shut her down "you know girls we can just hand over the wizards and all this cold will be over" Crystal said shivering "what's gotten into you?" Bloom asked "I don't know but for some reason I'm cold, and I don't like it one but I'm not sure even my magic can stop this winter" crystal said.

"We need to find this fairy of the north" Sky said "not we us, we're the only ones who can stop Aurora" Bloom said "blooms right, this is between us and the other fairies" Musa said "we knew that by protecting the wizards we would bring on Morgana wrath and now it's up to us to face her" Bloom said before the specialist left.

Ice fairyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora