part 7(Choice of fate)

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Kl- You are right, I made this mistake carelessly. But can I ask for another chance for your trust? - I knew that I had no right to ask. I completely destroyed living shuses.

Ma- I don't want to ask you. You destroyed everything that was dear to us, and now you are asking for a favor. - she was angry, and she is right.

Kr- And where have you been all this time? - he stood up and looked me straight in the eyes. And he is right, but I don't want to tell them, instead of coming up with something.

 Why? It's simple, you can't trust them with anything. They don't keep their mouths shut, especially Maria and Kristafer. do you understand I hope so.

Mr.- You asked the right question. Kelis, we are waiting for an answer to this question! - Nada walks away from them, and speeds up.

Al- All the same, I want to know, exactly, you had evil intentions on the shot of that incident. - but where he climbs, I can't understand.

An- I was worried about you, you disappeared if you fell like a stone! - like a stone!, horror, you have to leave.

Kl- I'm de bula, but yes ... yes, I'm bula ... - I started to get nervous. I slowly began to move away from them. Until I ran into Oliver. I understood that I would no longer be hurt while he was here. The whole plan is down the drain.

Ol- Explain your behavior Kellys. I'm interested in what this means? - no, no, he's evil. Me khan if he knows.

Cl- What are you doing, Oliver, everything is fine. My behavior is normal, there is nothing terrible here... - I am very nervous. I started to move away from him. And he approaches me.

Ol-Kellis why are you so nervous? Tell me! - oh no, probably nada. Oh, I know this should work.

Kl- Olever is a big deal here ...


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2023 ⏰

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