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eheM- This is so cringe.

Topic: USA breakdown-/j
Japanese-American relations in WW2
Characters: USA, Japanese Empire (Japan), Canada.

⚠️ Japanese Empire, WW2, mentions of Pearl Harbor.⚠️


The USA sat alone, seething with anger and betrayal. How could Japan have done this to him? They had been friends for so long, and now Japan had turned their back on him. The USA's mind began to wander, as he thought about the past.

Flashbacks of his time with Japan flooded his mind. He remembered the first time they met, when they were both young and naive. They had hit it off right away, bonding over their shared interests and goals.

The USA had arrived in Japan's land. As he got out of his ship, escorted by the USN, Japan quickly came running towards him.

"America! How is everything in your country?" The Japanese asked politely, a smile forming on his lips.

The USA chuckled seeing Japan's cheerful behavior and his purple eyes sparkling with joy as soon as he saw the USA. "Same old, same old." He said jokingly.

Japan slightly giggled at his usual response. The USA felt like this was it, Japan would be his best friend forever. And nothing will change that, not even a disagreement would.

"Well Japan, shall we discuss about our trades and business?"

"Easy there, America." Japan said as a smirk formed on his face. "We can relax first, and then we can discuss the serious matters. For now, let's hang out a bit."

The USA smiled and nodded, "Sounds like a great idea. Let's go."

The USA could hear the echo of their laughter as they worked together on various projects, building a strong and unbreakable friendship. They had promised each other that they would always have each other's back, no matter what.

But as they grew older, the USA began to notice a change in Japan's behavior. Japan started to become distant, less involved in their friendship. The USA had tried to ignore the signs, hoping that things would get better, but they never did.

One day, the USA confronted Japan, asking them what was going on. "Why are you so distant? We used to be so close," he said.

Japan had replied coldly, "I have other priorities now. I don't have time for this."

The USA was hurt, but he still held out hope that things would get better. "Japan, you do realize that you need me for your economy to grow, right?"

Japan's face contorted in anger, "Who said that I'm breaking diplomatic relations with you?" He gave the USA a strong glare as anger flashed in his purple eyes.


"Exactly. We'll still maintain good relations, but I can't only focus on you, I have my own matters to deal with, America." Even when anger rose in his body, he still has the same polite tone.

With that, Japan left the American alone, heartbroken and upset.

However, as the years went by, their friendship continued to deteriorate. They would argue more often, and their conversations would become more strained.

Back in the present, the USA was filled with a mix of anger and sadness. "How could he betray me like this?" he muttered to himself.

Canada arrived, sensing that something was wrong. "Hey, what's going on? You look upset," he said.

The USA looked up, his eyes filled with anger and pain. "It's Japan. They betrayed me. We were supposed to be friends, but they turned their back on me."

Canada sat down next to him, trying to comfort him. "I'm sorry. That's really rough," he said.

The USA let out a bitter laugh. "Yeah, it's rough. You have no idea. We were friends for so long, and now it feels like everything was a lie."

Canada listened patiently as the USA recounted the past. "I remember when we first met. I was so ambitious and naive. I thought we would be friends forever," he said.

Canada nodded, "I remember that."

USA's voice trembled as he continued, "But then things started to change. Japan became more distant. I didn't want to believe that they were pulling away from me, but they were. And now...look where we are." His voice trailed off at the end.

Canada put a comforting hand on the USA's shoulder. "I'm here for you. We'll get through this together," he said.

The USA let out a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. He knew that Canada was right. He couldn't change the past, but he could focus on the future.

As they sat there in silence, the USA realized that he had always taken his friendship with Japan for granted. He had never imagined that it would end this way. He could never fathom the idea of Japan bombing his harbor and ships, especially with USS Arizona, he felt a mixture of anger, shame, and concern rising in his body.

And then, the USA turned around to face Canada.

"I wish things didn't have to change, Canada."


HhhHhh I don't really know what this- But whatever.

Have a nice day ^^

- Almi

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