[European Powers at Penang]

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Topic: Battle of Penang
Characters: Russian Empire, France, Kaiserliche Marine, Imperial Russian Navy, Marine Nationale

Before you read:

SMS = Seine Majestät Schiffe
Ships pronouns are she/her (this is actually real, but KMS Bismarck is an exception)

And in my headcanons, navy personifications can teleport between ships and ports.



|September, 1914

SMS Emden, a Dresden-class light cruiser of the Kaiserliche Marine. She had been wreaking havoc while constantly dodging superior enemy forces. The month of September had just started and Emden had already intercepted an Allied supply ship, and sank more. Two weeks later, Kaiserliche Marine with his Emden had captured a steamer and two British ships sunk.

On 22nd of September, Kaiserliche Marine led Emden to Madras harbor and shelled the oil tanks of Burma Oil Company, burning them to ashes, and Emden managed to slip away before anyone could react.

And then, Kaiserliche Marine would order the Emden to head for the harbor of Diego Garcia, a British colony in Mauritius. Kaiserliche Marine docked the SMS Emden and as he disembarked, he was unexpectedly welcomed by a Countryhuman that seemed to be a British colony.

"Welcome!" The colony greeted, which Kaiserliche Marine assumed to be British Mauritius. Kaiserliche Marine raised an eyebrow. This was very unexpected. But then, Kaiserliche Marine realized that the news of the war probably didn't reach here yet.

"I assume your ship needs repairs?" The colony spoke again, a smile on his face. He seemed undeterred by the German's confused face. Kaiserliche Marine, realizing that he could take advantage of the uninformed colony, cleared his throat and smirked,

"Oh yes I do need some repairs. And some coal actually."

| Penang, 28 October 1914.

The Imperial Russian Warship Zhemchug, a veteran in the humiliating Battle of Tsushima, was there at Penang for some repairs. Imperial Russian Navy along with his country, the Russian Empire was standing there, watching as their ship was repaired.

And then, a smoke appeared on the horizon, indicating a British cruiser. IRN sighed and glanced at his Tsar, "It seems that British cruiser needs some repair too." He said unenthusiastically. The Russian Empire merely nodded, not interested in whatever's happening in the area.

But as soon as the supposed "British cruiser" entered the harbor, the cruiser ran up the Imperial German naval ensign and revealed her identity.

SMS Emden. 

IRN and Russian Empire had realized too late, as the German cruiser opened fire on the Zhemchug, "No!" IRN shouted, his voice barely heard amidst the chaos. IRN ran to Zhemchug, but it was hopeless, it seemed that the SMS Emden launched a torpedo at the Russian cruiser.

Aboard the Emden, Kaiserliche Marine was leaning against the wall as he watched the unfolding battle with his binoculars. He smiled to himself, "Stupid fools for believing that my Emden was a British cruiser." He muttered while chuckling.

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