[Two sailors]

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Topic: Dissolution of Volksmarine.
Characters: Volksmarine, (East German Navy) Bundesmarine. (West German Navy)

This is not historically accurate, this is my headcanons on them. I'll explain at the end of the story :D
Also, the Jutland oneshot is almost finished ^^


It was 1990, and tensions between the two naval personifications, Bundesmarine and Volksmarine, were visible as they stood at the port, locking their gaze against each other.

Bundesmarine, with ocean blue eyes, felt a pang of guilt and regret as Volksmarine, with burning orange eyes, accused him of serving someone responsible for the death of millions of lives. The bitterness in Volksmarine's words cut deep, and Bundesmarine sighed heavily, struggling to find the right words.

"I do not know what you are expecting me to answer," Bundesmarine said, his voice firm. "But you were once a sailor under my wing, too."

Volksmarine scoffed bitterly, "But you represented the naval force of Nazi Germany, and yet you still exist, and will continue to exist as the united German naval force. That's unfair!"

Bundesmarine's anger rose, and he snapped, "You know as well as I do that I'm more experienced in naval warfare. I have been the personification of the Navy of our homeland for hundreds of years."

Volksmarine was hurt, and he retorted, "So you will just leave me to die?"

Bundesmarine hesitated, struggling to find an answer. "Politics is a cruel game, Volksmarine," he finally said, his voice heavy with regret.

Volksmarine felt a lump in his throat as he struggled to hold back tears, "I... I know." He murmured softly, his voice slightly shaking.

The two naval personifications stood in uneasy silence, the weight of their history and the impending changes ahead hanging over them. Their existence was tied to the fate of their respective nations. When a country's naval force was merged or disbanded, the corresponding personification would cease to exist, fading away like a forgotten memory.

Bundesmarine knew that as the German naval forces for centuries, he would continue to exist, while Volksmarine, representing the East German Navy, would eventually fade away. It was a harsh reality, and Bundesmarine felt a mix of guilt, sadness, and frustration.

"I wish there was another way," Bundesmarine said quietly, his ocean blue eyes filled with sorrow. "But the decision is not mine alone."

Volksmarine looked at Bundesmarine with a mix of anger and resignation. "I understand," he said, his voice tinged with bitterness. "But that doesn't make it any easier."

The two naval personifications stood in silence, their emotions swirling as they faced an uncertain future. The winds of change were blowing, and the fate of Volksmarine was sealed. It was a somber reminder that in this world of personified nations and navies, even personifications were not immune to the political realities and consequences of their nations' actions.


In my headcanons, Bundesmarine was Kriegsmarine (TR's navy) and the previous German navy. (Imperial German Navy, Prussian Navy) And Volksmarine was appointed to be the personification of the Volksmarine (Who had been a normal human that served in the Kriegsmarine as an officer in ww2)

But when the German land united, there could be only one naval personification, and the politics officials and Germany himself choose Bundesmarine. And Volksmarine was envious of him of course, since well… He's going to die.

I know It doesn't make sense but, whatever lol haha. This isn't even Countryhumans but- who cares.

Have a nice week :D

- Almi

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