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"I have war in my head all the fucking time. Between what I know and what I want.
The problem is that what I want almost all the time, is to kill everyone around me."

Theo Hardy


THEO HARDY HAS HUGE ANGER ISSUES. Everyone on the ARK knew that, well, people who knew or heard about her of course. The Council, at her father's requests and thanks to his friendship with Marcus Kane, ignored her 'childish little fights' saying that her father will teach her out of this and that she was only grieving over her mother's death all this time. And he tried his best but many said that it was too late, which James Hardy found out too late.

GIRL BECAME AN ORPHAN AT THE AGE OF FOURTEEN. After her father's crime people spread the rumor that she got her temper after him, which didn't help her at all. It took her almost three months, full of fight's with kids her age and even guards until one night filled her already full cup. She got thrown into a prison for her crimes and even after that she was causing more and more troubles, until the council had enough of her aggressive behavior and send her to Earth.

THANKS TO HER REPUTATION, she quickly became the most feared person among the hundred kids. It wasn't her intention, especially after many people tried to became her friends only to gain immunity by that. The problem for all of these kids was that Theo had no interest in becoming friends with anyone.

BUT SHE DID, on accident of course. And with every day on the planet her circle of people she wanted to protect was getting bigger and bigger.



in which Theo Hardy accidently turns out
to be important in lives of many people.



opposites attracts,

friends to lovers,

love triangle.



"Prisoners of The Ark, hear me now. You've been given a second chance, and as your Chancellor, it is my hope that you see this as not just a chance for you, but a chance for all of us, indeed for mankind itself. We have no idea what is waiting for you down there. If the odds of survival were better, we would've sent others. Frankly, we're sending you because your crimes have made you expendable."

"Forcing a few people to sleep and killing twenty-seven makes my life expendable?"

"Yes? Wait- did you just said twenty-seven?!"

"If you won't shut up I swear it'll go up to twenty-eight."


This story was published before but on different account. I had to create another cause I had some problem with this story, other one's and the account itself.

Happily on AO3 I don't have any problems for now, and this story is and probably always will be under the same name and account Ezkiel244.

Alliebutt don't worry I remembered to let you know!

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