You better do, Princess.

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Theo dreamed of nothing more then to hear Chancellor's voice right after getting back her consciousness, which she made known to every around her by a loud groan fallowed by several curses, which caused people around her to chuckle. If it wasn't for the dizziness and large pain radiating from her shoulder she would join them.

Blinking several times she looked straight ahead, her brows traveling high when she saw several people on seats right in front of her. Anyone who made eye contact with her quickly tried to run from her gaze, no one noticing how her eyes seemed to shine at the reactions.

"Welcome back sleepy head," boy's voice rang in her ears, causing her to wrinkled her nose at the nickname.

"What's going on Miller?" She decided to ignore his words but nonetheless she turned her head towards him.

"They floated us," saying that he winked at her and smiled at widely, "we're being send to the ground."

The girl looked at him in silence with serious expression and watched show his smile started to slowly fade. And when it was finally gone from his face, she was the one to rose one corner of her mouth in slight smirk. She was about to speak but her ears caught Jaha's one sentence that got her attention.

"If the odds of survival were better, we would've sent others. Frankly, we're sending you because your crimes have made you... expendable."

She huffed at his words and finally rose her eyes to look ar the monitor in the celling's corner. "Forcing a bunch of people to sleep and killing twenty-seven makes my life expendable?"

"Yes?" Miller next to her answered like it was obvious. "Wait- did you just said tweny-seven?!"

"If you won't shut up I swear it'll go up to twenty-eight," her head turned quickly towards him as she spoke with hands already clenched into fists.

The boy however didn't seem to see it, or simply ignored her body language, smiling at her again. His behavior towards Theo seemed to relax everyone around them and yet, there were still people looking at the girl with fear.

"Don't be like that Theo," boy nudged her shoulder with his and in return he got a shock baton dangerously close to his throat. "Woah, hey hey, relax."

"I'll relax when you'll shut up," she hissed at him and watched how he raised his hand in the air in defense gesture, while trying to lean further into his chair.

After some seconds she moved the baton away from him after good seconds of deadly eye contact. As soon as the baton stopped touching his throat the boy smiled at her like nothing had happened, at which she rolled her eyes and leaned against her on chair with closed eyes. Right there she had a big urge to hit him, just like everyone around her, but she knew it wasn't that serious.

In fact, she never hit Miller. The fight in kinder garden didn't count in her mind as she had no memory of it and knew about it only because Nathan basically told her.

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