Poison Sumac?

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Jasper's words reached Theo's ears, her head turning back to look forward. She, of all of them, was walking way behind them every now and then looking back and every other side. Clarke had chosen to the the lead, walking straight ahead of them, Finn, Octavia, Monty and Jasper walking like children between two girls.

Theo wasn't surprised by their calm and relaxed behaviors, but she, and also Clarke, seemed to take the trip much more seriously. Hardy didn't said a word to any of them and thanks to that, she wasn't even sure if anyone knew that she joined them. But she didn't want to disturb her own peace and just listened to some of the conversations, just like now.

"That, my friend, is poison sumac," Monty admitted with a hint of amusement and only then Theo realized why they were talking about the flowers.

Apparently Octavia had one of them tucked behind her ear and at Monty's words her smile fell in matter of seconds. "What? Is it?" With panic in her voice she started to brush the plant out of her hair, movements to fast to name them calm.

Theo would chuckle at her behavior if she wouldn't hear the sound of broken branch from afar. Quickly she stopped in place and simply disconnected herself from their talk and soon, stood rather alone on the path. Black eyes were locked on one place, where she thought she heard that sound, and simply waited, for anything.

Soon one of the bushes started to shake slightly, which caused Theo to narrow her eyes as she slowly crunched to the ground. Blindly her hand started to ran thru the dirt and moss, until her fingers didn't touched the stone, which she trapped in her grip immediately. In matter of seconds, a rabbit jumped from the bush and her whole body seemed to froze. 

Amidst the rustling leaves, Theo caught a glimpse of movement. Her eyes widened as she spotted a small creature darting between the undergrowth—a wild rabbit. Its fluffy tail bobbed gracefully as it hopped away, disappearing into a thicket. Her curiosity surged, and she followed with her eyes, determined to catch another glimpse of this elusive creature. Animal meant life and also food, however it was the first time Theo had seen it alive, and all she could think was that the rabbit was beautiful.

But they had to survive and, no matter how touched she was, or how her heart melted and the sight of the animal, she had to do it. And she just prayed to not lose her aim as she throw the stone towards the animal. Faith sound of smashing bones reached her ears and as soon as that happened Theo opened her eyes, in her head wondering when and why she did that. Black eyes quickly stopped on the rabbit laying around the pool of green moss, her stomach twisting in pain.

Quickly she made her way towards the animal and crunched next to it. Breath hitched as she noticed that the rabbit was still breathing and soon, her hands started to shake at the realization of what she had to do. Black eyes almost turned glassy as her fingertips touched the fluffy fur and a tear ran down her cheek shortly after.

Theo was harsh and serious, yes, bit she wasn't heartless. Well, not towards animals as she realized in that moment. Humans however... It was much more complicated topic in her head.

Memories filled her brain and eyes at the sound of faint crack filled the air around her. Blinking several times she finally stood up with now dead rabbit in her hands, animal's ears smashed in her grip. She moved her way back to the path and once again froze in place, this time cause the rest of the group was nowhere to be seen. Cursing under her breath she started to walk faster, anxiety filling her body and quickly turning into adrenaline.

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