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SOUND OF FOOTSTEPS WOKE HER UP, but then it was forgotten when she opened her eyes. The forest lay bathed in an ethereal glow, every plant and tree illuminated by the soft radiance of bioluminescence. Clarke's eyes blinked several times, adjusting to the gentle ambient light filtering through the canopy above. She stretched languidly, her body feeling pleasantly heavy from the nap she had taken on the forest floor. It was a scene straight out of a dream, the luminescent hues dancing in the darkness like flickering stars.

Pushing herself up onto her elbows, Clarke took in the breathtaking sight around her. The leaves, usually a deep green, now emitted a soothing blue glow that cast intricate patterns on the ground. The trunks of the trees were adorned with streaks of soft blue and green, creating a surreal tapestry of colors. Slowly standing up, Clarke moved through the forest with cautious steps, her fingers grazing the leaves as if trying to feel the magic in the air. The ground beneath her feet was dappled with tiny dots of light, a delicate constellation that beckoned her to explore further.

Lost in the enchantment of the moment, Clarke turned to admire a patch of flowers that seemed to have transformed into vibrant orbs of light. As her fingers brushed against their petals, a soft giggle escaped her lips, a release of the awe and wonder that had welled up within her.

Startled at the sudden sound of broken branch, Clarke spun around to find Theo standing there, an amused smile playing on her lips, hands like always in the pockets of her pants. "Enjoying the light show, Princess?"

Theo's sudden appearance had taken her by surprise, and Clarke felt her heart skip a beat. She shot a playful scowl at the girl, the familiarity of their banter soothing her nerves. "You know, sneaking up on people isn't nice."

Theo chuckled, hair bouncing on her head somehow highlighting the wound on her head, dark eyes twinkling in the luminous night. "Ah, come on. You're jumpy even without me trying."

Clarke rolled her eyes, a grin tugging at her lips. "Well, we all should walk on out toes, first time on earth right?"

Theo moved to Clarke's side, her gaze fixed on the luminescent scenery. "Can't argue with that." She paused, her tone softer. "The forest is something else at night, isn't it?"

Clarke nodded, her heart warming at the genuine wonder in Theo's voice. "It's like a whole different world. I've seen beautiful things up in space, but this, this is something else entirely."

She listen to the girl, she really did, but her gaze wasn't focused on the forest at all. Dark eyes were bored into the blonde on her side, drinking in that wonder and awe in her eyes, that smile on her face. Everything she could see. "Nothing can compare to that." Theo hummed and stood in place frozen for a second, or two, she wasn't sure. When Clarke didn't seem to look in any different direction, Hardy finally turned her head. Only to stop her eyes on their sleeping friends, including Octavia.

 After a moment, Theo spoke, her voice carrying a hint of vulnerability. "Look, about last night-"

Clarke turned to her, curiosity in her eyes. Theo's admission had surprised her, knowing how guarded the girl usually was about her emotions and, well, everything in her life. Theo took a deep breath, her gaze focused on the ground. "It's just... complicated. Forget that."

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