Let It Go, Like Elsa Did

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THEY DECIDED TO STAY NEAR THE PLACE THREE OF THEM ALMOST DROWNED. After a small fight, which Clarke stopped, Theo had to accept help with carrying the serpent further into the forest. That was her lost, but she still won the other fight, and she had no idea why she was even fighting the other fight. And thanks to her 'win' the side of her head, back of her neck and half of her face were dirty in her own blood. And yet, she acted like she didn't mind.

The fire crackled nearby, casting flickering shadows upon her face as she knelt beside the creature's lifeless form. Theo's fingers deftly moved across the scaly surface of the serpent's skin, her touch firm yet delicate. Rest of the teenagers, gathered around the campfire, were engrossed in their own tasks—gathering firewood and arranging stones to contain the flames, while Octavia was sitting in front of Theo with her back touching the tree. Her eyes glowed thanks to the fire, curiosity and admiration filled her face as she watched Hardy's hands.

With a small sharp stone clenched in her hand, Theo traced a precise incision along the serpent's belly, careful not to puncture any vital organs. The cool night air carried the scent of damp earth and smoke, mingling with the faint metallic tang of blood. The scent of burning wood mingled with the earthy aroma of the serpent's flesh as Theo expertly separated the meat from the bones. She worked methodically, her movements becoming almost rhythmic—a dance with the elements, an ode to survival.

"How are you not grossed out by it?" Octavia whispered watching Theo's work. The girl rose her head to look, fire turning black orbs into glowing obsidians, dried blood created a false shadow of fury and rage flashing in the eyes.

"I've seen worse," Theo whispered back with a light smile and her stomach twisted at how Octavia smiled at her. "And, and its food you know? I can't be grossed out by something I have to eat to survive. It's probably only the first time eating things like that here so you just need to, well, get used to it."

At first Blake only hummed in agreement but then her eyes moved to the serpent. "Are we going to bring the rest to the camp?"

The girl stayed quiet and moved her own gaze at the serpent. A lot of meat was still attached and Theo removed only the pieces that she was sure they would eat, no less no more. And she also knew what Octavia had in mind. "Don't worry, I'll make sure that the rest will get a piece, including your brother." Theo assured, inside fighting the urge to sneak an insult towards the man. And with Blake's wide smile, there came the end of the conversation as Theo moved back to her task.

Finally, Theo impaled the succulent strips of serpent meat on sharpened sticks and dig the other ends of it into the ground right above the campfire, the flames licking hungrily at the sizzling flesh. The aroma wafted through the air, a tantalizing promise of sustenance and satisfaction. The group's collective gaze turned to the fire, their mouths watering in anticipation of the feast to come. It wasn't long before all six of them sat around the campfire, waiting for the meat to be ready.

Hardy rolled her eyes, amusement flickering inside of them at the feeling of heavy gaze Clarke was giving her, more precisely the wound on her head. "Will you stop looking at me like that if I'll let you take care of-"

"Yes." Clarke didn't even let her finish, already knowing the rest, while Theo knew the answer even before she decided to ask.

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