Chapter 5

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Before the screen could come back on and start the next episode a message popped up.

Dear Watchers,

The next few episodes will be condensed into several smaller clips.

You will still learn the important facts, just in a shorter amount of time.

After that there will be a change of scenery to brighten the mood, but also give a hint to a bigger part of the future.

Lady, Magic

People were slightly confused, but generally had nothing to say. Soon, the screen switched on.

The Vampire Diaries

Season 2: Episode 11

By Light of the Moon

The first thing seen is Elena walking down the stairs in her house while her Aunt Jenna pulls out boxes from the hall closet.

Walking over to Jenna she asks, "Hey, what are you doing?" With another box in her hands Jenna replies, "Oh, perfect timing." as she hands the box over to Elena. "What is this stuff?" "Your mom's files from the historical society. I got roped in to helping Mrs. Lockwood." As if realizing what she said, Jenna smiles and corrects herself by saying, "And by roped, I mean I'm very excited to participate."

Holding a box Jenna closes the closet door. Only to reveal Elijah standing a few feet down the hall.

Elena gasps in shock, but Elijah acts as if nothing has happened by saying, "Hey. I'm Elijah."

There were several snorts of amusement from Artemis and the Marauders. They all looked between each other at their in-sync reactions with big smiles.

Jenna, either not noticing her niece was in shock or not caring, turned around to take the box she was holding after setting her own down.

"Elijah's in town doing research on Mystic Falls."

Elijah walked forward saying, "It's a pleasure." as he outstretched a hand to Elena. Not having any other choice, the doppelgänger shook the Originals hand.

Jenna spoke as she returned from setting down the box of files. "You're welcome to stay here and rummage through this stuff. Or Elena and I could help you load it into your car." Elijah simply returned her proposition with, "Yeah, or I can get someone to pick it up tomorrow." "Also a good plan."

Elijah started his walk to the front door as he said, "Thank you so much for inviting me into your home, Jenna." He turned as he continued, "And, Elena... I hope to see you again sometime soon."

And the Original vampire left.

Artemis had an eyebrow raised at Elijah's words. She turned her gaze to see what Klaus was thinking and confirmed her suspicions when she saw he wore the same expression.

As soon as the front door was shut Elena was moving up the stairs. Reaching the landing she sprinted to Jeremy's door and frantically knocked while twisting his locked doorknob. After another round of knocking, she reached for the doorknob again, but was stopped by a hand on her wrist.

With a gasp Elena was surprised to see that Elijah was the one holding her.

The doppelgänger backed away a couple feet, just as Jeremy's door opened. Elijah held a finger to his lips to shush the girl.

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