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Chapter Twelve

I ran out of my room and ran into Amina's room., the creature's body was dark and furry, he had spikes shooting out of his back and his head was a skull, and black smoke came from his eye sockets.

He shrieked in her face. She looked away, shutting her eyes, his jaw opened and leaned in closer. His drool fell on her and his hot breath.

I thought creatures can't pass the empire gates!

I grabbed a vase and ran towards it and smashed it against it's head. It shrieked and pushed me into a wall, the wall cracked, I groaned.

"L-lady Helena!" Amina cried, she saw me getting up, blood trailed down from my head, she gasped. "No, lady Helena! Don't come any closer!" I grabbed a piece of glass from the vase, I glared at the creature.

"Get out of my home!" It looked at me and out no where, I stabbed its eye with the piece of glass, I deepened it more, it scratched my chest, and shoved me into Amina. It was covering its eye, I held Amina. I was bleeding from my chest.

The thing got on its four legs and crawled towards us, we held each other tightly and shut our eyes together. Nothing happened.

We both opened our eyes slowly, my eyes widened. There was a man standing over us, in bloody armor, carrying it's head and in his other hand was a sword dripping blood.

"Y-your highness."

We were in my room, Raphael went somewhere in the palace.

"I'm sorry my lady, but you're crazy! Why did you run towards it!?" Amina cried at me, taking out a aid kit. She treated my cuts, I didn't reply.

I had injuries on my head, back and chest.

Why is he here? It's only been nine months, he wasn't suppose to come yet. Why is he here??

She put a bandage over my chest, and my head.

"It really got you, the cuts were really deep. If it was deep enough you would've lost more than you already did" Amina sighed "how does it feel, my lady?" "It feels fine, Amina. Thank you, how are you? That must've been tragic" I replied "I'm okay, thank you."

Amina fell right asleep after having some tea with me on my bed. I took our dishes down stairs. I sighed heavily, and touched my chest.

"What're you doing?" I jumped "Jesus! What're you doing there!?" It was Raphael, he was drinking coffee, I noticed the floor, there was bloody foot steps.

"Couldn't you take off that bloody amour, you're making a mess in the kitchen?" I crossed my arms "you mean, my kitchen?" I scoffed "at least keep your kitchen clean." I grabbed a rag and cleaned the kitchen floor.

"How's the pain?" "Hurts like a bitch," I cursed, I realized what I said, but we both pushed it away. "Now thinkabout the pain but 1000 times worse" I did, and got shivers.

"Yeah, I deal with that pain 24/7 for at least two years in war, sometimes more" Raphael put his coffee down. "What're you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be at war?" He scoffed "we won the victory" I flinched.

"We did?" "I wouldn't be here. But I have to discuss that with the emperor, there's more to it" "does it have to do with the creature passing the empire gates?" He gave me a questioning look, I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not dumb," he looked at my chest, I covered my chest. "My eyes are up here, pervert!" I yelled "please. There's nothing to even look there" Raphael looked at me codly, I flinched.

"There's plenty to look at, you... you! Ugh!" "Yeah, anyways," Raphael left the kitchen "at least wash your dish!!"

The next morning, Amina and I attended a ceremony for the victory.

"Leader of the Strix, the man who took us to victory once again! Raphael De Blanchet! He has returned!" Here he came, with Sir William and other knights that survived. Raphael came in on top of his horse.

"Ugh, lady Helena. She gets that full buffet" I over heard women "right. Wonder what he's like in bed" I flinched.


After the first part of the celebration, we all had to eat together with the emperor. But that was only if you were a lucky noble.

I was sitting next to Amina in front of Raphel. "Well, lady Helena, are you proud of your husband for winning the victory?" The emperor chuckled, Raphael didn't even dare to look at me, I chocked on my wine.

"U-uh, I... I'm happy that the empire is safe once again" I smiled.

Nailed it!

They all laughed and enjoyed eating together, "you know what, I'm sorry if this is informal. But I want to see a cute act between you and the Crown Prince, Lady Helena" a noble chuckled.

"Yes! I would love to see my daughter in law and my son be weddingly together!" They were teasing us.

I hate my life.

"Feed him! Feed him!" They cheered on, I looked at Amina, she was giggling.

This is some K drama shit! I should've been reincarnated in a damn K drama than this shit if this was gonna happen!!

I picked a piece of steak with my fork, "here comes the plane... vrr—" "what's a plane?" Raphael asked me, I stayed quiet and shoved the steak in his mouth.

"Eat up," I smiled, he chewed on the steak angrily, the emperor laughed. After the eating, everyone just enjoyed theirselves, Amina was chatting with Sir William about the war. I had to be seated with Raphael.

I winced, he looked at me. "Just hurts," Raphael looked around and got up, "follow me," "where are we going?" "Do you wanna get rid of the pain or not?" He glared at me.

I followed him back to our castle, we went into his room. It was big as mine but it was just more basic, and emptier. Raphael took something out of his drawer and handed it to me, ointment.

"It'll help, it helps me with every cut I had from wars" I looked at it and then at him, I smiled "don't think we're some buddy buddy" Raphael glared at me, I pouted. Raphael turned around so I can add the ointment. I added it to my head and chest.

I was struggling for my back, since it hurt the most there. I sighed, Raphael turned around feeling that I was behind him, I stood there with my dress down midway. I turned around.

"May you help me with this?" Raphael took the ointment from me and applied it to my back, and help me pull my dress back up. "Thank—" he left the room, I stood there. I took the ointment with me when I left the room.

I found my way back, I saw he was chatting with Sir William now.

"You seem exhausted, my lady. I excused you with the emperor. We may go back" "alright. What about your highness?" "He has to stay since it's his celebration" Amina replied "wouldn't it look bad for me since I'm his wife" she nodded no.

I went back home with Amina and I went to my room. I sighed, and got undressed but remembered Raphael applying the ointment on my back.

This a sign I might have a chance to survive from him?

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