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Chapter Twenty Three

It was a gathering before the last round would begin. Where we would all treat ourselves to gain energy. I was eating with Amina

"Is your ankle alright, my lady?" I nodded "my face hurts more than my ankle" I smiled taking a bite of my bread. "My lady I don't understand why you joined the races if you know it can get violent" Amina said worriedly.

"I wasn't planning to. William offered, and I felt bad if I rejected him" Amina smiled "you're very kind, my lady" we laughed. "So how's everything going with the scary crown Prince?" I smirked, wanting juicy details.

"Ah, your highness? He's very, uh, well it's true what they say about. Best of the best, I just feel like I'm slowing him down" I shook my head. "Did he tell you that?" "Well no" "then? It's your head over thinking. Knowing him, he would've said something to you by now" I told her.

But he's so in love with you he just wants you to be careful, though! Ahh~...

I glanced at Raphael, he was chatting with William. I stared for quiet awhile until there was a horn, it was time to prepare for the third round.

I got with William. "I'm going to go get the bow and arrows" I told William and left, I was gathering the things into, "don't think I felt you staring" I jumped a little, and looked behind me. It was Raphael carting a bow.

"Oh, your highness" I smiled "ready for the final round!?" I positioned myself with an arrow and bow, acting like I was gonna shot. Raphael didn't react, "how dumb can you be" he got behind and started fixing my hands and finger placements.

"If you put your finger there, you arrow won't go far and you'll hurt your fingers. Lift them a little up here" I got a whiff of him. Even after the first two races, and sweated, he still smelled great.

I looked up at Raphael, while Raphael was focused on my hands.

I know he's the main lead having to be good looking. Being this close to him... makes my heart—

"Helena, it's almost time!" I heard William, "thank you, your highness" I walked away immediately.

Why are my ears burning??

William got on the hose, and I joined him in the back. "Ready?" I nodded and we rode into the dark woods once again, the targets were lit on blue fire. We all had a certain color on our bows; ours was white.

"There's one there!" I shot the target, we kept going and I kept shooting the targets. I saw Amina and Raphael, she was shooting as well. "There's one up there, Helena!" "The branches are in the way, though!" I replied.

"Hold the rope!" I gave him the arrows and bow, and grabbed onto the rope. He steadily stood on Butters, he jumped grabbing a branch. He shit the targets, and jumped across the woods in the trees.

Knights are really amazing...

I grabbed the rope right and saw William land in front of us, we ran pass him and he grabbed onto the top and threw himself on the back. And we finally finish the round, two more teams.

I gasped. William and I got off Butters, "William, I'm so sorry" "for?" William asked "your title will be ripped off, we're not in second place" William flinched. "You do know the count all the points of the round together. Not just the last round" he explain.

"Oh," I stood there dumb "so we still have a chance?" William nodded "and I think we have a good chance being first place" I smiled, William gave a smile back. Amina ran to me, and we stood beside each other.

At the end, they counted all the points. There were only four spots. "Fourth place, Emery and Phil!! Third place, Legion and Carter!!"

I grabbed Amina's hand tightly, Amina knew I was anxious "second place, Mari and Tony!!" I gasped and looked at William, he stood there calmly.

The Villainess Proves Everyone Wrongحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن