Bonus- Eloise, Chapter 3

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I looked and felt stupid.

I had packed only what I needed and had in front of me, and one of those things was the only dress that I owned, and now that I'm wearing it in this house, surrounded by all these beautiful things, I felt cheap.

I even looked cheap, from the makeup I wore to the shoes on my feet.

I really didn't see how I could fit in here, or even at this stranger's party.

A knock at the door startles me as I move away from the mirror and answer the door, when I open it, I see James standing there, looking good in casual suit and trousers, with his hair styled and a smile that was slowly fading on his face.

"Is this ok?" I ask, already knowing it's not by his expression. "It's the only dress I brought with me..."

He shook off his frown and smiled. "It will do for tonight, come on the cars outside waiting." He said, before moving behind me and pushing me out of the bedroom.

Going down the stairs to the front door, I notice the 'house' was quiet. "Where is um... everyone?" I ask James.

"William left and told me to 'look after you' and my mother and Donald had prior engagements in London." He simply said, before he opened the front door for me, like a gentleman but with a boyish expression.


I had only been here a few hours and so far, William had not said another word to me since I left for my room, only James had really taken time out of his day to make me feel 'at home' here.

Once again, I see a limo parked out front waiting for us as James hinted for me to get in first, and once again the insides still amazed me, it felt and smelled different inside an expensive car, compared to what I was used to back in the states, driving with my friends.

The car begun driving and James cleared his throat to catch my attention, making me look at him and not outside the window.

"I should warn you before we get there." He starts, making me nervous. "It's nothing too bad, I just noticed that you felt uncomfortable with everything so I should just warn you that if you thought William was living it high, you haven't seen Rowan's estate."

"I shouldn't have said anything, Rowan's a mystery to me sometimes but he's a good guy, he wouldn't mind if you accidently broke something." He joked, making me pale.

How wealthy was this guy? "Is he a close friend of yours?" The way James spoke of him was almost like he feared him, but also admired him, which worried me.

"I don't even think he has friends." He laughed out before turning to face me. "From what I hear he moves around a lot, bought the Von Strauss estate a few years ago until he eventually moved in last year."

"Guy spent millions on rebuilding the place, made William furious because he outbid him."

Woah, he sounded impressive for someone who was turning 30. "That's... crazy."

Wait- Von Strauss, I've heard that name before in history class years ago while I was still in school, there was a famous painter by that name... if only I could remember what he was called.

"Von Strauss... who were they?" I ask James, as he looked at me, shocked and amused I didn't know.

"Only the most influential families in British history, they were deeply related to royalty but don't ask me how, they were also fabulously wealthy from being famous painters in the 1800's, but that's not all the estate is famous for."

"Surely you were taught about Charles Rowan Von Strauss in school?" He asked, a raised brow.

Charles... Rowan... yes! I thought I knew the name. "I thought so, wait-" Was he?

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