Chapter 15

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When I was 16 my mother told me who I would be marrying, to secure the future of Von Straus.

I knew then I wanted nothing to do with love, I had seen it destroy people, and make them do unthinkable things.

Just like now, I didn't know it, but I was going to destroy everything I had built for myself, for the one thing I hated most in this world.

"You want to be my boyfriend?"

I should just drop the subject, tell her to leave and never speak to her again, nor think about her again.

Yet the thirst for more when she was near was making me do the unthinkable.

"Yes." I said, stepping closer to her. "You do like me too, don't you, Eloise?"

The space between us fell silent, until eventually she looked up at me, with a strange look on her face.

"Would you... ever lie to me, Rowan?"

Ah, there it was, the question that made me feel like a monstrous inhuman thing, taking advantage for my own gain.

I had danced to this tune for years now, I was so used to it, but with her... I didn't want to dance anymore.

She'd run, or worse, she'd never look at me again, if she knew the truth.

That I was a Vampire.

"I don't want to lie to you." I was telling the truth, but I was still not telling her the truth.

She stepped away from me and I felt her slipping away from me, just from the look in her eyes, filled with uncertainty.

"If I asked you a question, would you tell me the honest truth?" She quietly asked, holding my gaze.

"Of-course." This was reckless, but I had to make her feel good about me.

"Ask me anything."

"Do..." She took a pause. "Are you seeing anyone else?"

It took a moment, but then I couldn't help but laugh, because for the sake of me, I was not expecting that to be her question.

Where did she come up with that question? "No."

"I am not seeing any other women, what made you ask such a thing?"

"I don't know, I just- I guess William got to me, and it made me think about..." She paused, a blush rising to her cheeks.

"I sound like a jealous wife... I'm sorry, I just don't get why someone like you would want me as his... girlfriend." She said, making me frown.

"Someone like you?" I didn't understand what she was saying, I never thought anything was wrong with her.

Why does she think I wouldn't want her now? After everything I've already said, and done with her?

She's apprehensive because of this- this house, the money, the clothes, the fancy things I grew up around practically my entire life.

Eloise mentioned she lived paycheck to paycheck, of-course she's questioning why I would take an interest in her.

She's so beautiful and caring, that nobody would assume she's broken on the inside, full of doubts, and thoughts that would scratch away at her self-confidence.

"This is me Eloise, I cannot change who I am, I'm a single guy, I like you not for what you own but for who you are."

I held on to her hands and brought them up to my lips, like a man starved, I craved her warmth and touch.

Deaths Embrace (On Hold)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن