Chapter 16

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"What are you both talking about?" Eloise's voice asks out, making me turn around to see that she was standing by the door.

"W-Why is she calling you Charles?" Eloise walked into the room. "And what are you not telling me?"

She heard us, she heard everything and from the look in her eyes, I can't lie myself out of this, not now, she'd never trust me again.

She walked up in front of me and held my gaze as her hand went to my chest, and all I could feel was the sinking regret inside of me the moment I look into her eyes, filled with sadness.

"Who are you really..."

Her eyes went to the shirt I was wearing that I clasped tightly in my hands as I swallowed hard and closed my eyes, simply hoping that once I opened them again that this would all just be a sick nightmare.

But no, it wasn't, this was really happening and there was no escaping it, unless I used my influence on Eloise to forget what she heard.

"Eloise..." I took her hand from my chest and took a step back, ignoring the hurt in her eyes as I covered my mouth with my hand.

I can't do this to her, I was just starting to feel something human with her, if I brought her into my world there's no saying what dangers I could be introducing her to.

"Charles..." Mariella whispers gently, as I lowered my hand to my side.

"Could you give us a moment please, Mariella?" I didn't recognize my voice anymore.

The room fell silent until Mariella's heels clanked against the wood floors as she walked past me and then past Eloise as she kept her eyes to the floor, not looking at Mariella, not looking at me.

Mariella looked at me one last time, without emotion before she closed the doors behind her, leaving me alone with Eloise.

"What's going on?" Eloise so softly asked under her breath.

my sweet Eloise...

I reached out to touch her cheek with my hand, but she flinched the moment I got close enough to her, making me halt and lower my hand, as I feel a painful stabbing feeling in my chest.

"You heard, didn't you." I asked, making her look up at me.

"She... that woman called you Charles." She gripped her hand with her other hand and I watched her squeeze it tightly. "I thought y-your name was Rowan?"

"I heard enough to know... you lied to m-me." She nervously stuttered. "You're not who you say you are..."

"Are you?"

I knew it all had to end at some point, but I never thought this would be the day, not this soon, not when we'd just started dating, not now...

"No." I force out. "I am not whom I claim to be."

I want to touch her, to comfort her, to just reach out and wrap my arms around this lovely creature that was now looking at me like I was the worst person alive, I wanted to ease her suffering.

But I could not do it, I simply did not want to be rejected from her again again.

"Who are you really?" She asks me, swallowing hard as her eyes stay on mine.

"Is your name really Rowan Grant?"


She paused for a moment and then bit her bottom lip painfully, as the faintest scent of blood fills the air, yet I couldn't move, I could only witness my own demise.

"What is... your real name?" Her voice was shaking as she spoke to me.

I closed my eyes briefly before opening them to look at her again, for what might be the last time, for what I was about to confess might just be the end of everything I had with her up until this moment

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