Chapter 3.

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„Hi Barbara. I am here to check on Bennett." Fischl greeted her. „Right this way please." Barbara showed her to Bennett's room. „Here it is. I will go then. Enjoy your time here." Then Barbara left. „Are you feeling better now?" „Yes a lot. Thanks. But what about Razor?" „We haven't found him by now. But you know that he lifes with the wolfes so no need to be scared. He will do it alone to." Fischl replied trying to sound as believable as possible. „Oh...thank you..." „Is something wrong? Can I do something to make you feel better?" „No need to. I just... I think something is wrong about that? Did you lie to me?" He asked. „What? I would never lie about something so serious like that. Belive me." Bennett had no one else right now who could tell him what was going on so he had to trust Fischl but not so much. He knew she was lying about something so he only had to find out about what.

„Oz. It is getting dark. Let's go home and come here tomorrow again." „Yes mein Fräulein." Then they left.
You can't hide it from me Fischl. I will find out what it is.
Bennett thought before we went to sleep. In the night Bennett checked if everyone was sleeping. When he made sure that no one was awake, he sneaked out of the cathedral to find out why Fischl is acting weird. „Where should I go first?" he was asking himself in a low voice outside the cathedral. „Shhh Bennett. Here." Bennett heard a voice. He was walking down the stairs to a bush, wanting to know whos voice was talking to him now. Oz? What the hell are you doing here?" He was asking after seeing Oz in the bushes. „What does it looks like? I am trying to help you." The raven answered.

„Yesterday when we were in the wolf forest something happened between mein Fräulein and Razor but before I could figure out what it was, she sent me away to look after you but I think it was because I shouldn't know what really happened." Bennett listened to Oz. He couldn't believe it.
Fischl? Why? WHY!?
Bennett's eyes almost started to let out some tears. „Why? Why did she do this to me!? She said she haven't found him. And you...You knew that he was still alive...WHY HAVEN'T YOU TOLD ME BEFORE!?" Bennett started crying. „Shhh. Not so loud or else someone will hear us." Oz tried to calm Razor down. „Fischl will pay for that. But first we have to find Razor." Bennett said. Oz agreed.

They made their way to the forest as fast as possible.
Shit. We have to hurry. Maybe something happened to Razor!
„Oz! Hurry up!" Bennett screamed. We was way further than Oz. „I'm sorry Bennett but my wings are not that strong to be that fast like you!" he shouted back at Bennett. He tried his best to fly fast but still couldn't keep up with Bennett. Bennett was so fast that Oz couldn't see him anymore and just heard his voice. „Razor! Are you here!?" Bennett screamed. Then it went silence and Oz haven't heard anything from Bennett anymore.

„Bennett?" Oz said after he got near him. And then also Oz was too stunned to speak. „What is that?" Oz asked. „I have no idea either." He replied. They were standing in front of the big amount of ruin guards that were kikled by the two electro vision fighters. „It seems like this is Razor and Fischl their doing."

„Excuse me?" A voice from behind them were speaking. Both Bennett and Oz knew this voice and didn't wanted to turn around to face her but then they still did. „Mein Fräulein. He he..." They both looked at Fischl. She was mad. Really mad.
(picture above)

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