Chapter 4.

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„Fischl...What are you doing here? He he he..." Bennett asked with a fake smile. „I should be asking you the same. Why are YOU here with HIM?" Fischl asked Bennett looking at Bennett, then at Oz and back at Bennett. „I-" The pyro boy didn't knew what to say.
No! I should be the one asking the questions!
„No. I have nothing to explain. You are the one that is going to answer my questions!" „Wha-?" She said surprised at Bennett's words. „You knew that Razor was here the whole time. Even before you saved me...You knew that he was here...You knew he was in danger-" „Stop! He wasn't in danger! I knew he was here but he wasn't in danger at all! He was the reason you almost died! He didn't take care of you enough an-" „It wasn't his fault! I was the one that decided to go there!" „But he could have saved you by saying this is a stupid idea!" They both were arguing really loud. „Uhm guys...I don't wanna interrupt but I found something..." Oz said making them stop. „Only Bennett can go there. Mein Fräulein and me have to go." he explained. „Inside..." he showed Bennett a cave. „Good luck." The raven said before leaving with his princess.

What is that?
Bennett thought as he walked in slowly. He then heard a familiar voice calling his name. It was Razor!
Razor! It is him!
„Why  you here?" Razor asked. „What? What do you mean by that? And where are you? Come out so I can see you." Bennett replied. „Can't-" „Bennett! Stay away from him! He is dangerous!" Fischl screamed from behind. She was following Bennett into the cavern. „What? WHY WOULD HE BE DANGEROUS!?" „Because he is the reason you almost died like I already told you!" „And I told you that it was my idea that I go there so it was my fault and not Razor's!" „..." Fischl got silent. The said „It doesn't matter. Razor and I had a agreement that he never talks to you again." „..." „..." Bennett didn't knew what to say and Razor wasn't talking. He wasn't supposed to after all.
Now it is out.
Fischl thought.

„A-ARE YOU CRAZY!? WTH IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" Bennett screamed at Fischl. „I...I...No! If you would have listened to me then nothing of this would have happened!" „I wouldn't have died! And even if, it wasn't Razor's fault but mi-" „It's not because of that..." „What? Then why?" Fischl didn't knew how to explain this to him but then she got the right words. „The day this mission was the day you promised me to spend the day and night together." „And I told you I was sorry and we could do it another day." „But this day was special to me..." „And why?" Razor now asked. „You know exactly why it was special to me. That's why you wanted Bennett to go with you and not someone else!" „Fischl! Just tell me why it is so special to you!?" „Because this was the day we became friends 10 years ago. And I wanted to make it even more special by confessing my feelings for you that day. But then Razor came in and ruined everything-" „You can't tell Bennett you like him!" „WHY NOT!?" Fischl screamed. „Razor does want to tell Bennett he likes him." „Huh? I-" No one dared to say something after Razor said that. „I have to go..." Then Fischl left without saying anything else.

Bennett turned around to go after her but then decided to stay. „I can't believe you did that on purpose only for your own good!" He said. „What Razor did wrong?" Razor asked. „You ruined it! You ruined a special day for Fischl and me and that only because you want it to be perfect for you meanwhile you don't care about the things others care about!" „But Razor also wanted Bennett." „Stop lying and leave me alone!" Bennett ran out of the cave. Razor was left alone inside it.
Bennett believe Fischl more than Razor...Fischl right. Bennett not care for Razor.
Razor thought to himself. We also wanted to leave the cave but he decided to stay there for some more hours. First because it started raining like hell and Razor had nowhere to go. And secondly because if he would have gone outside he probably would have gone to Lisa and she is in Mondstadt which means he could see Bennett again. He soon felt asleep on a rock in the cave. He slept for almost 10 hours but then he heard something.

Someone was calling his name. „Razor! Where are you?" „Master Lisa?" he asked. „There you are. Oh dear..." She said. Lisa moved closer to Razor. „Bennett told me what happened. He looked very angry and said you lied to him about loving him. When I told him that this wasn't a lie and that you really like him he wasn't able to say anything and just left without saying anything else. Maybe you should go and talk with him about it?" „Never. Not another rejection!" Razor said. „Hmm...Would you want me to come with you while talking with him?" „Yes..." Razor answered.

Lisa and Razor walked back to Mondstadt and started searching for Bennett. „Don't worry. I know exactly where the little one is. Just follow me." Lisa explained to Razor. They started walking to a for Razor unknown place. „Master. Where we going?" the wolfboy asked. „Don't worry. Just follow me." Lisa replied not even answering to his real question. They stood in front of the door from the cathedral but Lisa said they can't go inside. Instead they have to go on top of the cathedral. „Well not exactly on the highest point on the cathedral but on the roof. Come on. I know a way." She explained. Razor got more confused every second he listened to Lisa. „Up there." She pointed at a ladder that led upwards. Razor climbed up the ladder and already saw Bennett sitting on top of the roof. „Bennett!" Razor shouted. He walked over to Bennett and sat next to him faster then Bennett could say anything. Razor also hugged the pyro boy.
I better leave them alone now.
Lisa thought to herself before going.

„Razor sorry. Razor shouldn't have fought ofer Bennett. Razor did big mistake. Razor promis he never do again mistakes that make Bennett cry." Razor apologized. Bennett was looking at him with his swollen red eyes. „Bennett was crying much. Very much." Razor said. „...Sorry. I need some seconds please." Bennett said. Razor stayed with Bennett until he was ready to talk to the electro user.

Ugh. That was to sad for me. I never wanna write something like that again. Anyways I hope you liked this part. It took me way to long and I am so disappointed in myself because I just didn't knew how to continue this but I am done with this now and the next chapters will (hopefully) not be sad.

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