Twenty Two

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We all have a regret in our heart, we never told that to anyone. It was a deep regret, that can't be shared. A unworthy first love, A bad friendship, A blind eye on things, A little stolen thing, We know it wrong, but still we did it for our own pleasure like a lie. Telling truth won't hurt, but we still choose to lie.

I regret for my lies. I regret for I let that to happen. I regret to keeping it myself. But, I can't tell it now.

I lied, I'm from future. But, I know I'm from outside of this novel. The novel, changed it path and going on the path I accidentally created. I'm happy for it, because I'm alive. I no longer a villain. But, I scared. I'm not the female lead of the novel. She is, someone who now working with male leads. They choose to let her live with her way. They think, it won't hurt. I know the lead can take her part anywhere and eliminate me. It was a common rule in every stories.

"What you're thinking about?" Eden asked me while he entering into my office. I smiled and ignored him by turning the page of the file.

After namjoon's crown ceremony, I leave the castle. Because, Harry step down from his seat, Eden had take it. He find it hard to keep it, because he was more concentrated in war techniqus than office work. So, I and harry choose to work along with him. Untill, he sure he can work himself.

Harry is former lord and he just choosed retirement because he wanted to create a way for Eden and his colleagues are retired forcefully or willingly.

I choose to work with him, because I wanted a stable place. Eungel is a lord of golden dragon clan. But, I'm just a lady for now.

"Don't ignore me!" He take the file from me and gave one to me. "You need to look into this file now! I called for urgent meeting few minutes ago"

"What it is about?" I asked him as take the file from his hands. "You also can look into it. Right?" I rise my brow. Eden was a sly guy, who putting his pressure on me. Because, Harry strict about his work.

"Just once this time. I have to dress up for meeting. It helding in castle, I need to look better." He showed his teeth to me. I sighed and looked into the file. "It's about, new plans and tax details"

I looked at him confused.

"Tax? And plans? They are not our Responsibles right?" Tax, and businesses are responsible of golden dragon's. Education, arts  and development projects are for white dragon's. War techniqus and weapons are for our's. Relationship between other Kingdoms, fulfilling people's requirements, and rule over elekdonia is black dragon's.

So, why he have to take care of tax and plans?.

"Yes, they are not our responsibilities!. But, his majesty wants to our suggestion! More like yours" he touched his chest and exhaled. I roles my eyes. And hide my newly forming smile.

"I will look into it" I told as I pointing door.

I opened the file and take the letter.

It's our new way of sharing letters. There is no need of looking into files and suggest the changes. Then how we can talk without other noticing?. But, I did read the file and suggest the changes sometimes. Because, I know few of the plans need to changed. Because, end of the winter going to be end with Strom.

Elekdonia wasn't the place which is pour snow like other Kingdoms. Barely snow but, sometimes never snow. But, the climate will be chilly.  So, the upcoming projects and plans are based on the usual climate of elekdonia. But, this year it going to be more snow.

A cold winter like his cold heart. The white snow become red by her blood. The more and more snow covered them and trying to hide the red pigments which is not intend to stop for now, untill completely dry out from her. Blood like eyes losing its life, as watching the Snow Strom. The Strom have no mercy, is it because she is a bad person. Or it justify her actions and trying to freeze her before her death.

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