Twenty eight

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"Brother" I cried and hugged him tightly. He is shocked to see me still, hugged me tightly.

"What happened? Who is he? Where is father?" He is scared and lined his questions. I cried more, I felt guilty for not being hurt and being helathy.

"I'm sorry brother" I cried more.

"Lilly, what happened?" He pushed my shoulder and grapped them tightly and looked into my eyes.

"That basturd betroyed us. He stabbed father in his chest and hurt Blackman. I leave both of them behind. I'm sorry" I cried and lowered my head. I could feel his shocked expression. "I'm sorry" I said again. I felt more guilt. He is lost his sister and now his father. It's because of me.

"It's okey. Don't be sorry, he will be fine. When it's happened? Explain everything. Please" he begged me.

"It's happened on the way. We could not recognise the way because of Strom. That asshole lead me, father stayed beside. Suddenly, he stopped and stabbed father. He tried to hurt me but blackman become wild and pushed me down. I crawled toward father. He is hurt and barely breathed" I broken up again. He hugged me tight and caressed my back.

"I'm sorry Lilly. You had to face those horrible situations. I should have stopped father" he cried with me.

"No. It's my fault" I tried to push him. But, he tighten his grip around me.

"What happened next?" He changed the topic.

"Father said to run. I run like coward with Blackman. He is hurt too, but kept run for me. But, he didn't last for long. He fall on that cold snow too. I want to take him and come home. But, they came after us. I had to run. I leave him too" I cried. He mumbles it's okey to me. "Then I fell unconscious somewhere. He took me to his home and escart me back to home" I said without point out the old man behind me.

"Thank you sir for saving my sister. Can please tell, where you found her?" He didn't let me go and asked the man behind me.

"I found her in woods. But, not far from four stones." He answered.

"Four stones?" Eden shocked to hear the name.

Four stone not other than graveyard of fallen royals. Most of kings died by the prince's  hands. Like those fallen royals can't be burried in royal graveyard. So, the four stones made up for them. But, also the place of royal's illigal activities.

"Father!?" I shocked and pushed Eden. "What if he..." It worried me more. Everything happened in yesterday. The twenty four hours are over. What if we're late. I know in my deep heart, we are late. But, my brain do not want to accept it. I want Harry to be alive.

"No. He will be fine. We need to inform this to his majesty!" Eden.

"No." I held Eden's hand tightly.

Eden looked at me with understanding gaze. He hugged me again.

"Lilly. I can understand. but, we need reach him before anything else happen. There is no other way" he pushed me and called for servents to escart me to my room.

Other servent lead the old man. I don't even heard his name.

The worst thing in this world is. They can't get rid of something completely. I sick of it.

I can't sit here and wait for the conquestion arrive at my ears. I need to involve with the things directly. I don't want to regret it.

If Lilly from dream said is true, I don't want to lock in my room. I turned my heels. The maids called for me. I run toward Eden's office.

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