Twenty Six

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White and dark, cold and alone. I watching the snow falling from the sky, and embracing the ground much it can. Everywhere I see only white, the trees or the Grass, the covers with white blankets. I want to go outside, and play with the snow. Even if it was freezing my blood.

I never imagined the winter, without blankets and warm hot chocolates. Even though I love winter, I never crossed the winter without heaters and sweaters. But, being in this time, it hard to bear the winter, when the Strom hitting everything without mercy. The closed glass doors, trying to open because of wind. The stone castle, getting chilly within seconds, even though they fired fireballs everywhere. I afraid to think about, the people living outside, They probably freezing out there.

Namjoon thought about them and did everything he can. They need to be safe. After this snow strom, I don't what going to happen.

"Lady Lilly, his grace want to see you" I heared Maria behind me. I Turned to look at her. She standing as lower gaze. She was in her end of Thirties, I never take a good look at her. She was basically Lilly's mother. Maria was sold to Laurentius house hold when she is in her teens. She worked hard all her life time. Mostly sold slaves treated badly by their masters. But, Harry, his father not their wife never treated her like that nor other sold slaves. They treated equally like servents of household. They got salaries, got chance to married and have children. Maria never had one, she is not interested in those life. She worked for house, have part in Eden's growth and become a babysitter of Lilly's life. The person, who stayed in her line, and be a part of life. If Lilly had to write a biography, Maria will take most of pages.

"Okey." I stood up from chair and walked toward the door. Maria walked behind me, as she assisting me to Harry's office.

Inside the Harry's office, I saw Eden too.

"I heared you called me Father?" I asked him as I walking in. Maria bowed and left us alone.

"Yes. I'm. Lilly. Like you told, snow strom begin last night" he coughed to make his voice loud which was low.

"It had to be happen"

"Do you have any other idea about. About. That day?" Harry was gloomed and tried hard to control his shutters. Watching his inner struggle make me feel sad. He is someone in the story, who never lower his at anyone, even toward king. He is king of his own life.

"You seem worried too much father" he gazed at my face. He sighed with frustration.

"What can I do when my only daughter experienced her death then  come alive and reliving them once again? Now she is expecting the day she died arrive again and struggling between fate and desire!" He rumbling out of fear of losing.

"I do not struggle-!"

"What you are doing is struggle" Eden interrputed me. "I know you want to live. I want you to live longer too, everyone else too. Right now, you are in sorrow because you could not spend your time with his majesty, which is you probably thinking it's your last days! It's obvious, you afraid to come alone out from your room. And You're careful whatever you do. Afraid of handle sharp and heavy things, afraid to face new people, especially Princes including his majesty too."

Eden told everything in single Breath. I blinked at him. What a caring brother?!. This is why I'm afraid of death. I laughed with tears. It hard to control my emotions, I laughed but ended up with crying. They worried, harry and Eden both hugged my sides.

"It's okey Lilly, we will do everything we can do protect you." Eden promised. I chuckled and wiped the tears.

"I'm not afraid death brother. I Afraid of losing you all. I want to live because I want to spend some more time with you all" I Gave one more tight hug to them before, I step back from them. "I may afraid for nothing! I hope Roel won't kill me." I chuckled.

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