Chapter two: Our coffee place.

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Being single isn't so bad.
I'm living my best life. The company's doing great, Sharon's close to giving me a headache, and no men have had the guts to say hi to me in the last 2 months.

My life is great.

And to add to that there's a new coffee place a few steps from my house, tell me the universe isn't doing good for me.

Walking in and there's a line!
And I have to leave right now if I'm going to be able to finalize the delivery for The Decor Place order.

I can't lose that,but then I can't lose my coffee.
What to do?

I scan the line and see that I'm behind 3 young men. Ding ding!
"Time to work that black girl magic"
I adjust my fitted knee length blue pencil dress, hugs in all the right places.

With only a smile and a few "please I'm in a bit of a hurry can you help me"
Ooohh and the puppy dog eyes, don't forget that, I effortlessly get my coffee and I'm heading out.

When this son of Adam, who's probably got some issues with sight,bumps into me.
Thank God those lids a sealed tight.

"Open your eyes when you're walking it helps a lot" I say with just a hint of sarcasm.

I expect the whole blame game which is typical of the average male. But what I hear is oddly different.

"I'm very sorry Miss, thank goodness it didn't spill on you. I apologise".
He said in his American accent with just a hint of new Jersey in there.

I'd know that combo anywhere, I grew up next door to some loud house.

Just then I realize I didn't even look at him, when I did look at the idiot he was a rich idiot. With the complete business suit and clean crew cut. I couldn't help but notice the fine jawline and that he was towering over me.

That is one fine black man you don't see everyday.

Addy no no no no,stop looking into his soulful brown eyes

" Addy where the heck are you,the delivery's running late!".
Sharon screams through my earpiece almost deafening me.

I rush out to my car and as I'm about to zoom off Mr Coffee rushes out to apologise again. I drive off yelling
"Uhh yhh it's fine it's fine"

He stands there watching and watching.

           A week later

"What the heck man!".
I scream at the guy who almost makes me spill my precious cup of heavenly coffee.
"I'm so sorry I didn't mean..."  He says as I turn to look and..
"You" we both say.

"Wow we honestly have to stop bumping into each other" he said flashing a smile to reveal a perfect set of white teeth.

I was unfazed.

"Why don't you use your eyes as much as you use your sorry's that would help"
I said flatly.

He extends a hand
" Well I'm..."

"I don't care who you are" I cut him mid-sentence.

" Darrell"

And he continues anyway,men.

"And you are?".

"Ugh" I don't even care to hide my disdain and walk out of The Coffee Place.

"Was nice meeting you miss...."

More like bumping into me.
I hope I never see him again.

"Addy,Addy leave what you're doing right now,you have to get an invitation."
Sharon literally runs into my office squealing.

"What,what,breathe Shar what's up "

" Okk Madame Corinne is hosting a couples party at Le Chateau this Friday at 7 in the evening"

Oh no no no no no

"Now I know what you're thinking in that head of yours and it's a yess yes yes yes yes. We'll definitely find you a date before Friday,which is only 2 days away..but...don't despair."
She pauses then asks the weirdest question.

"What about that guy?"

" What guy,no no no. Absolutely not"

"But why?"

"Mm I don't maybe because I know nothing about him.
No Shar,no ok just drop it.
I'll find another way"

And yet my mind was screaming, in Sharon's voice.
"What other friggin way Adaline"

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