Chapter Five: And then there were two.

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"Good God!
You couldn't just ask her out?"

Alex had been bugging me with this question the whole week.

"She didn't seem interested man."

"Seriously bruh,you've been single for as long as...I can't even remember how long."

" You're being dramatic again."

"No I'm not. You need a woman in your life. You already have very stable sources of income,you've got everything except a woman."

"And you like her?"

I had to ask. Alex is a very good judge of character,so if he liked her did that mean I was on the right path?

"Yes, because I haven't seen you like this in,well a long time"

Like this?

"Alright man. I have her number, I'll... maybe text her later tonight ok."

He's giving me that look again

" I will, I will"

That must have appeased him because he left almost immediately.

I got home rather late.
Maybe she's an early nighter.
I mean it's just past eleven.

I paced up and down my room and literally all around my house just trying to gather the courage to make the call.

Eventually I dialled her number.

It's ringing
What do I say?
I should hang up!


She picked up

"Hi it's Darrell"
I said hearing the shakiness in my own voice.

"I know it's you,what's up? Isn't it a bit too late for calls?"


"Yhh...uhh...I just,you know wanted to check on you."

I thought the AC was on, why'd it get so hot?

" I'm ok actually."

We went on to talk about how our days went,what we had for dinner,the usual.

"Yh right" she laughed at my assumption of her being an early nighter.

Does she ever not laugh

" we keep wearing the rings or?

" Oh,no no. As far as Madame Corinne knows,we're taking a break."

A break,no!

" You should've heard the lecture I got,she still sends me relationship advice texts."

She's laughing,I'm laughing, we're laughing.

"Yh umm..could we maybe have lunch together tomorrow,my treat."

Of course it's your treat,stupid!

She stayed silent for so long I thought the line was cut.

"Yh sure."


"Cool cool. The Coffee Place at 12 then?"

"Yh sure.

I hung up.
Somebody pinch me

It was past midnight already but lunch time couldn't come any sooner.

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