Chapter six: Slowly but surely

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The weeks rolled into months and before we knew it,it was Christmas and time to round off another successful year.

I went to my mother's for the holidays.
Sharon had her own thing going on somewhere in Mauritius.

I didn't really know what Darrell and Alex were up to.
We didn't talk much.

Finally the holidays were over and it was back to work,rocking my Late Winter look of shades of dark purples and greys.

I'd been back for a few days, Sharon should be back soon.

And Darrell,I don't know.

I saw some calls and texts.

I didn't reply.

It's 2024 and I'm not doing anything that won't bring results.

I even stopped going to The Coffee Place just to ensure that I didn't bump into him.

I channelled all my time and resources into launching our cosmetics line.

Monday the next week Sharon shows up looking all glowy.

There's a lot of gossip tonight I'm not willing to miss.

"Addy boo!"


I can't believe how much I missed her.

I rushed to her and gave her the biggest bear hug.

We chatted and chatted.
Later we went home together.

I noticed she was itching to tell me something but I just had to let her say it.

We got home, got into our PJ's and had popcorn,pizza,some chicken and cola for dinner.

Terrible choices,we know.

Sharon began,what turned out to be a love therapy session.

"What's up with you and Darrell?"

"We're good" I lied.
And she wasn't buying it.

She was looking at me like a naughty kid who was caught stealing a cookie.

So I had to confess.

"It's nothing really but,I just don't want some fantasy. This is the real world. Hearts get broken. Pain is real.
I don't wanna go through that again.
So I had to cut him off."

" Oh Addy,I'm sorry."

Not the response I was expecting but ok.

"I know that you've been through a lot and I get it that you'd rather be on your own protecting yourself and all.
But baby girl,you can't give up.
Love and companionship are literally two of the only things that are priceless in this world."
" The other one being time. And they say time heals all wounds. I know you. When you love you love with everything and I know Caleb was the last straw that broke the camel's back. But baby this ain't Caleb, or Jonathan or the others whose names I can't remember."

We both chuckled at that point.

"All I'm trying to say is give him a chance.
I feel this is right. I see the way he looks at you.
There's an aura around him.
He values you babe.
When y'all walk together he always tries to hold your hand so you can be side by side,how cute"

Yhh I noticed too, how cute!

" So please stop avoiding him for your happiness,and my sanity cause the man's been blowing up my voicemail."

Haa, sucks to be the best friend

" Okay baby"

"I'll think about it,for now... movieeee."

I go to work the next day and I see flowers on my desk,a chocolate pack and fresh coffee from The Coffee Place.

Oh Darrell

And this went on for weeks unfailingly.
I had more teddies than a toddler.

After a month of the usual cute notes he sent a particular one pleading to see me.
At this point I would have called him but I was very busy at work and so I told Georgia to help me get the message across.

But he wasn't taking no for an answer.
He kept sending letters,in on of which he confessed his feelings to me.

"Hey Miss Coffee,
    I realize that you've been very busy and I get it. But I can't keep going like this.
My life has literally never been the same since the first day I bumped into you. I don't care what it is that's keeping you away, I don't care how you'll see me after this but I'm interested in you Adaline. I'm feeling things I haven't felt in years and it's killing me. Adaline I think I love you. "


"Please, I really need to see you,let's talk about this.
Have a good day Miss Coffee.
                                         Mr Coffee."

" Oh my!! What!.

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