Chapter three: Mr Coffee

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What do I do?
Where's the idiot when you need him.
Well at least they're making sales at my expense.
Damn delicious coffee sconces!.

Why can't I find him when I need him.
It's already been a whole day.
Where's my black girl magic when I  need it?

I suddenly felt a bit odd,like the air around me shifted.

I slowly turned to my right to see him standing there! Smiling at me.
Then I realized I must have had crumbs all over me.
I quickly adjusted myself in my seat and cleared my throat,which had suddenly become parched.

"If I didn't know any better I'd say you were looking for me"

Ding ding we have a winner!

" Miss Coffee" the annoying name he calls me.

" Yes Mr Coffee" I'm not giving up am I.

He chuckled at that and it seemed his eyes joined in.

"Did you get my note,is that why you're here?"


" No" I snap.
The smile on his face falters for a bit and for a split second I almost feel sorry .

He sighs and goes.
"I don't know how else to get you to talk to me I'm not a monster."

" Talk? And then what?"

"Nothing nothing, could you please be less hostile I'm not a serial killer"

Isn't that exactly what a serial killer would say?

How do I do this without seeming desperate?

"May I know your name? Or shall I keep stalking you just to find out your name? "

Son of a....

" Ah ha so you were stalking me"

Realizing he's blurted it out,he tries and fails,to cover up his blunder.
Watching him fidget,I notice his hairline is in perfect condition with no sign of baldness.
Then I realize he's smiling at me.

Why the heck's he smiling at me.
Oh no,I'm smiling at him.
Ohh hell no Addy.

I get up and drag myself out in feigned anger while he yells out..
"I still don't know your name Miss Coffee!"

I don't stop for one second.
I get in my car and head home to continue with my checklist of which guys I can stand being in a room with.
I have less than 24 hours to RSVP to Madame Corinne's invite.

It's 12 noon the next day and I still don't know what to do.

Here goes nothing.



I'm suddenly braindead.
What was I supposed to say.

"Hello is this a prank call?"

Every second I spent quiet pissed him off.

As he was almost hanging up...

"Don't hang up it's Miss Coffee!"

No you didn't just say that

"Oh miss coffee what a pleasant surprise"

"Yes,are you having lunch already?"

"Not at all,shall we meet...I mean eat at The Coffee Place?"

Since he was offering I couldn't say no right?

"Yes I'll be there in 5."

Thank goodness that's over with.

Getting there "Mr Coffee" had already ordered pretty much a buffet for two.


We talked for a few minutes.
I told him my name and my work and some basic stuff.

He did same.

I had 10 minutes of lunch time left.
It's now or never.

I took a huge sip of my pineapple juice,which I was surprised to see at a coffee shop, lucky me.

"Mr Cof...I mean Desmond, Mr Desmond"

Get it together Addy

This time with a smile.


" Call me Darrell we just had lunch together I'm pretty sure we're on a first name basis now."


" Ok Darrell there's this deal ok that I need and I have to go to this party so I can talk to the owner,Madame Corinne,this Friday."

Here it comes

"And it's a couples only party,for some reason. And I need a date...." I practically rushed my words at that point.


Is he actually dumb or he's doing this to upset me?

"I'll pick you up at 6:30" he says with a wry smile.

Yes yes yes

" I'll be wearing baby blue,choose your colors wisely. And please don't fumble"

At first, I think he's upset with what I said with the way be turned dead serious.

"Miss Adaline,I do a lot of things,but I don't fumble on the Job."

He said with a wink.

Tell me he ain't fine...
Oh Addy you're hopeless..

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