Chapter seven: Operation Addy

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I glanced at the time.. 11:28 am.

How was it still morning..

Today was one of those slow days.

I had finished 2 meetings,approved a lot of deliveries, finished lots of paperwork and discussed with the ad agency models about my cosmetics ads.

Pretty productive morning.

I was gonna delve into more paperwork when I got a call on my private line.

I checked the caller ID and it was Darrell.

This guy just doesn't give up.

I had been ignoring him for weeks and still he kept showing up with big romantic gestures.
Gestures I'd already seen over and over again.

Like when Jonathan cheated on me or when Denzel tried to scam me out of my life's savings or Ryan or Caleb or.... oh what the heck.

Bringing flowers and crying and just being overall mushy.

I let the call drop and put down my phone to work.

But I'm not like the others,I'm Darrell at least gimme a chance.

That was the last thing he said before I hung up on him during our last call.

Was I being too harsh?
No, right?


My phone rang again,still him.

"I'm working now can you...."

"Miss Clark?"

Who's this?


" We're calling from PrimeCare hospital,your name was on his emergency list. Please come to the hospital right now. We've sent you the address.
The owner of this phone was involved in an accident. Thank you."

The line went dead..


No,no ,no no!

I didn't know what I was thinking or feeling or doing.
I just had to get to him.

Everything was a blur till I got there,I'm shocked I didn't get a speeding ticket.

I got to the hospital and practically ran inside.
"Darrell I'm for Darrell, I'm Adaline. Miss Clark the one you called."

The nurse at the reception gave me the directions to his room.
I got there pushed the door open and saw Darrell on the bed and my heart left me chest.


Alex was there and Sharon had just stepped in behind me,I didn't even notice.

I slowly walked to his side,tears threatening to fall from my eyes.

"Hey,hey What happened?"
I said in an almost whisper.

His eyes suddenly fluttered open and they smiled at me.

"Addy,you came?"

Of course you idiot...

" What's the problem,hope you didn't break anything?"

He's still smiling,why is he smiling at me like that.
I looked at the others and immediately knew something was off.

"What!, what's going on here."

"Addy don't get mad,ok."

" Get mad,why Sharon why would I get mad?"

I look at him and he's up
Like he's getting up
Why is he getting up!!?

"Addy I'm fine,I didn't get into any accident. I just really needed to see you.
Addy are you listening?"

Not at all,furious was more like it.

I just sat there staring at them,even Sharon...

I got up and walked out trying my possible best not to explode in a hospital.

He ran after me but I was too upset to talk.

Really Darrell you had to give me a heart attack!
Maybe I deserved it. And how stupid of me to run to him.
God I was so scared.
And it was a friggin joke!

The rest of the day went by fast.
I checked my phone.
15 missed calls from Sharon.
4 from Alex.
23 from Darrell.
As well as 100+ emails and texts I had to reply.

I switched off my phone fell on my bed,buried my head in my pillow and screamed.

It was 3 days after the stunt they pulled and I still gave them all the cold shoulder.

I was hungry and had to go eat.
I could order but I wanted some air so I stepped out,locked my door and headed for my car.
I waved to Omar and he waved back.
I got to my car and was about to get in when I heard my name a bit far off.
I turned around to look but saw no one.

"Sup Omar?"

"Yes ma'am?"
"Did you call my name?"
"No ma'am."


I stood still for a while and I heard it again,this time it was a whisper right behind me.

Without even opening my eyes I knew who it was. I had grown to recognize his voice,I knew his cologne like my own and his presence always made the air shift a bit.

Adaline Ruth Clark!

I turned to look at him. Standing in front of me looking all innocent in his running gear.
I glanced at my phone that was on the car seat,5:47pm.

We stood there in silence for a few seconds.

"What do you want?"

"I've been trying to reach you but..."

"What do you want!"

I saw the visible stress on his face,he was terrified.
He should be.

"Addy please."

Did his voice quiver?

"What is wrong with you men,you trick me into thinking you're hurt and you expect me to smile and give you a big hug when I see you?"

"Why did I have to be in such a situation before you'd let me see you?!"

Ok we're blowing up on the parking lot now.... it's on.

"What kind of sick person does that.
I lost my mind for a second."

Oops Addy

"Why can't you just admit it that you like me. Am I that horrible c'mon."

" You're Crazy man!"

" Yhh crazy in love with you!"
He was visibly shaking.
" Adaline please please
Help me. I've got it bad. I see you everywhere."

"Now where have I heard that damn line before!"

I didn't even care if anyone was watching anymore.

"But I'm not them Addy!"

I was really starting to feel horrible but I had to stand my ground.

" Listen Darrell I've been through a lot in my life ok.
Love hasn't been fair to me so I'm just leaving it alone ok.
I'm hungry,I'm getting in my car and I'm going to get something to eat. Don't follow me."

But he wasn't having it.
Is he mentally unstable or what?

I honked and honked and yet he refused to leave my driveway.


No they'll beat him to a pulp.

Breathe Addy.
Think about this...

Oh daddy,you didn't tell there'd be crazy ones too.

I said surrendering.

"Get in the car."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2023 ⏰

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