Part 2

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Kunti thought she was the unluckiest woman in the world.

It wasn't enough that her first son was in front of her and she couldn't even hug him but now a Grandson of her first son, who she hasn't even seen, met, hugged or blessed had appeared to stop the events that could have lead to a war, which would have killed all her grandchildren except Ranjeet and one other he disclosed little about.

" Mata !!, my hand !! " Bheem whined as she put ointments on his injured right arm while his brothers stood nearby. Draupadi had locked herself in her room, crying after the events of the day and no Pandav could convince her to come out.

Kunti suddenly got angry " kyu Ranjeet par aakrimad kiya ?!!. Kyu Draupadi ko dav par lagaya !!!. Apne rajya aur Praja ko khilona samajh Rakha hai tum sabh ne ?!!! (Why did you attack Ranjeet ?! Why did you put Draupadi and your Kingdom on stake ?!!. Do you think that your subjects are toys ?!!) ". She couldn't help but get protective over her grandson.

" Mata, that Sutputra - "

" Say that word again, I dare you ! " Kunti's face reflected her fury and in that moment, the 5 brothers couldn't help but compare it to Ranjeet's.

" Ma, he insulted Guru Drona, Pitamah and Kakashree !. How could I stay calm ? " Bheem said in a more subdued tone.

" You need to learn control, Rajkumar " a voice coldly said from behind them and they turned around in shock to find Draupadi who had wiped her tears away and Krishna with a poker face.

" Pranipat Madhav " Arjun greeted him alongside the others.

" Pranipat Rajkumar " Krishna said to Arjun and then to others, even using the same tone with Kunti.

Arjun's heart stung as he heard what Krishna called him instead of 'Parth'.

" I will not spare him. Let me get out of - ".

" Rajkumar Bheem, even I cannot protect you from Ranjeet if you go after him " Krishna said in seriousness " Apne rakshak par rela karo ge tho Aisa hi hoga (if you attack your defender, this is the only thing that will happen as a consequence).

" Rakshak ?!!. He literally threatened to make me walk naked in the city !!! " Draupadi exclaimed.

" And you insulted his entire family many times, Sakhi " Krishna replied " Have you ever considered what would have been if you gave Karn his due respect and did not insult him in your svaymvar ?. You would have had Ranjeet's love instead of hatred..... and you would not have been married to 5 men who betted you " Krishna glared at the Pandavas in the end, causing them all to flinch.

" I couldn't just marry Karn " Draupadi said " and even you know it, he was not Kshatriya ".

" Trust me. He didn't want to marry you either " Krishna sighed, shocking everyone in the room " he loved Ranjeet's mother. He would have purposefully missed the aim ".

Draupadi was shocked that she herself was going to be rejected and this somehow hurt and it didn't help the old feelings of jealousy that arose.

" He would have left us to be slaves " Bheem muttered " what Duryodhan was doing to us and what he would have done..... For some reason, Duryodhan crossing limits didn't anger me as much as that boy abandoning us hurt me inside more. When he revealed his identity, I couldn't even see him as my enemy.... I felt for him like I feel with Ghatotkach. My heart was telling me to stop myself from attacking him but my head was filled with too much anger ..... I instantly regretted my action but not because my arm was broken but because I did it ".

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